The clans of the Jews in Medina after the Courier of Allah Muhammad (may Allah's tranquility and favors arrive) moved from Mecca to Medina the evening of the twenty-seventh of the period of Safar, the fourteenth year of the mission, and this relates to the year 600 and 22 Promotion, and the relocation venture endured twelve days,[1] he showed up in Medina and had lived in Medina Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, who are the Ansar, and three Jewish clans, to be specific:
Banu Qaynqa, Banu Qurayza, and Banu al-Nadir, the all out number of Jews of the city was around 2,000 men, to find out about the beginning of the Jews of Medina and every clan of them:[2]
The Jews of Banu Qaynaqa The clan of Bani Qaynaqa is credited to the Prophet Yusuf - harmony arrive - , and they lived in the middle and inside of the city, and lived in one of the areas secluded from others, the Banu Qaynqa were known as the most extravagant orders of the Jews in the city, and they didn't have their own territories; Thusly, they were known for their extraordinary riches, and the quantity of grown-up men of Banu Gereida in the Prophet's time was 700.
[2] The Jews of Bani Qurayza The clan of Bani Qurayza has a place with Aaron (harmony arrive), and it was credited to a mountain that is said His Qurayza, and their clan was known as the Kahanin, and they possessed the edges of the city from the east, and the clan of Bani Qurayza is perhaps of the biggest clan in the city, where the quantity of its men in the Prophet's period between 600 and 900 men.
The Jews of Bani al-Nadir The clan of Bani al-Nadir has a place with Aaron, the sibling of Moses - harmony arrive , and their clan was known as the ministers, and the clan of Bani al-Nadir and Bani Quraydah were the biggest in the city and they see that they have honor and power over the other Jews in the Hijaz, and the Banu al-Nadir were of the assessment that they were more respectable and more good than the Jews of Bani Qurayza too, and the Banu al-Nadir occupied the edges of the city, and the quantity of their men was around 700 men. [2] Medina was occupied in the Prophet's period by three Jewish clans: Bani al-Nadir, Bani Qurayza, and Bani Qaynaqa, every one of whom had an exceptional nature unique in relation to the next clan.
The Prophet's situation on the Jews of Medina after the Prophet's movement between the Prophet (may Allah's tranquility and favors arrive) His situation towards the Jews of Medina is plainly through the report he finished up with them and was known as the Medina record, and it directed the connection among Muslims and Jews in Medina, and this is the most conspicuous of what it contained:
According to a strict perspective, it was expressed in the archive composed by the Courier of Allah (may Allah's tranquility and endowments arrive), which is the Medina report, that the Jews have their religion and Muslims have their religion.
According to a social perspective, the people who follow the Muslims from the Jews have triumph and model, and they are rarely mistreated, and that among Muslims and Jews exhortation, counsel and nobility without transgression, and that triumph is for the persecuted, and that the neighbor resembles the spirit is neither hurtful nor wicked. Financially, the Courier of Allah (may Allah's tranquility and gifts arrive) concurred with the Jews in the record that the Jews ought to enjoy with the Muslims for however long they were heroes and that the Jews ought to spend their costs and the Muslims ought to spend their cost. Militarily
According to a tactical perspective, it was referenced in the record that there are no Quraish shippers or the people who support it, and that between the Jews and the Muslims triumph over the individuals who assault Yathrib, and that whoever goes out safe and whoever sits in Medina is protected besides from transgression and unfairness.
A record was finished up with the Jews, known as the Medina Report, to control their lives with Muslims, and the most conspicuous thing in the report is that the Jews have their religion and Muslims have their religion. The disposition of the Jews towards the Muslims in Medina This is the most conspicuous thing that the Jews did with the Muslims in Medina: a tiny gathering of Jews, including Abdullah container Salam (may Allah be satisfied with him), became Muslim.
on their skepticism.
[4] The Jews were impacting the economy of Medina after they controlled the market and their dealings were loaded with misrepresentation and restraining infrastructure, and the Prophet (may Allah's tranquility and favors arrive) took an elective market to the Jewish market (Bani Qaynaqa) after they controlled the economy of the city, to free Muslims monetarily, forestall the Jews' imposing business model on merchandise, and furthermore free water sources, as Muslims used to purchase water from the proprietor of the Jewish well of Rome, so Uthman canister Affan (may Allah be satisfied with him) got it and made it foundation for Muslims. [5] The Jews attempted to isolate the positions of the Muslims, as they attempted to ensnare the Aws and the Khazraj and reestablish battle between them after Islam came and joined their positions, yet their endeavors fizzled. [6] One of the rabbis of the Jews, Fanhas, was blamed for guaranteeing that Allah –
The All-powerful - was devastated when al-Siddiq (may Allah be satisfied with him) went into the school building, where the Jews get familiar with the Torah, and their instructing was a ton of distortion of realities and falsehoods.
The Jews' obligation to the record was flawed, as they were individuals who were known for injustice and treachery, so they attempted to impact the city's economy to hurt Muslims, insult a few Muslims, and attempt to trap them.
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