Saturday, January 18, 2025

Surat Al-Fatihah - The Incomparable Mathematical Supernatural occurrence THE Subsequent Reality 2

 Surat Al-Fatihah - The Incomparable Mathematical Supernatural occurrence

THE Subsequent Reality

letters of Surat Al-Fatihah are addressed by mathematical upsides of the Arabic
letters as per the request for their appearance in Surat Al-Fatihah (with


proceed with the hunt as per what was referenced in the main reality and take
Surat Al-Fatihah as per the portrayals like the portrayal of Hafs from Asim
(with a numbered Basmala) and do a similar cycle referenced previously. The
main word is "Bism" , so the letter Ba takes the mathematical worth 1
, the letter Seen takes the mathematical worth 2 and the letter Meem takes the
mathematical worth 3. The following word is "Allah" , so the letter
Alif gets the mathematical worth 4 , the letter Lam gets the mathematical worth
5 and the letter Ha gets the mathematical worth 6 , and we proceed with the
most common way of separating the qualities in this manner for the rest of the
Surah. What is significant is that the line of the upsides of the letters
determined for Surat Al-Fatihah beginning from "Al-Hamdu Lillah Rabb
Al-'Alameen" to "Wala Al-Dhaleen" (for example the Surah without
Basmala) gives various 163 digits and this number is likewise detachable by the
number 19 without a remaining portion.


We take Surat Al-Fatihah as indicated by the portrayals like the portrayal of Hafs from Asim (with a numbered Basmala) and we give each letter of Al-Fatihah a mathematical worth as per demonstrated mathematical tables that are circled among researchers of mathematical marvels. As per these tables, each letter is given a mathematical worth that was found by studies and laid out rules. We first utilize the table of values laid out as per the wonderful names of Allah (from the investigation of scientist Abdul Daim Al-Kaheel - extra data can be gotten by surveying the first article on the Mysteries of the Marvel in the Blessed Quran and Sunnah site ). Here, dear peruser, is simply table:

A=1 L=2 R=3 H=4 M=5 H=6 N=7 B=8 S=9 T=10 ء

(hamza)=11 Q=12 W=13 D=14

A=15 Kh=16 T=17 Y=18 K=19 F=20 Dh=21 Th=22 S=23 Sh=24 Dh=25 Z=26

Gh=27 Dh=28 J=29

أ=1 ل=2 ر=3 ح=4 م=5 هـ=6 ن=7 ب=8 ص=9 ط=10 ء(الهمزة)=11 ق=12 و=13
د=14 ع=15 خ=16 ت=17 ي=18 ك=19 ف=20 ذ=21 ث=22 س=23 ش=24 ظ=25 ز=26
غ=27 ض=28 ج=29


We give
each letter of Surat Al-Fatihah a mathematical worth as indicated by this table
and organize the qualities from right to left to find that the subsequent
number (of 184 digits) is separable by 19 , 7, and 14 without a remaining
portion. Note these numerical constants, the number 14, and the association
with the portrayal of the Surah as the seven Mathani (Al-Fatihah comprises of 7

we find that the number addressing this surah without the Basmalah (163 digits)
is likewise separable by 19 and 7 without remaining portion.



We give each letter of Surat Al-Fatihah (without the Basmalah) a mathematical worth as per the table of the reiteration of the letters of the Quranic openings (Alif, Lam, Meem, Yasin, Qaf...) by specialist Muwaffaq Mustafa Saeed , where each letter takes a mathematical worth as per the times it shows up inside the 29 Quranic openings. We do this to get an immense number (169 digits) that is detachable by 19 without a remaining portion. Here, dear peruser, is simply table:

أ=13 ل=13 م=17 ص=3 ر=6 كـ=1 هـ=1 ي=2 ع=2 ط=4 س=5 ح=7 ق=2 ن=1

A=13 L=13 M=17 S=3 R=6 K=1 H=1 Y=2 A=2 T=4 S=5 H=7 Q=2 N=1

The letters of Surat Al-Fatihah are addressed by mathematical upsides of the Arabic letters as per the reiteration of the Arabic letters inside the openings of the Heavenly Quran.

At the
point when we add the upsides of the letters of Al-Fatihah as per this table,


letters of Surat Al-Fatihah are addressed by mathematical upsides of the Arabic
letters as indicated by the request for appearance of the Arabic letters inside
the openings of the Heavenly Quran.


A=1 L=2
M=3 S=4 R=5 K=6 H=7 Y=8 A=9 T=10 S=11 H=12 Q=13 N=14

 ل=2  م=3 
ص=4   ر=5   كـ=6   هـ=7   ي=8   ع=9   ط=10
 س=11  ح=12   ق=13   ن=14


We give
each letter of Surat Al-Fatihah (without the Basmalah) a mathematical worth as
per the request where the letter shows up inside the 29 opening sections of the
Quran. For instance, in Surat Al-Baqarah, the letter Alif takes the worth 1,
the letter Lam takes the worth 2, the letter Meem takes the worth 3. We go on
until we arrive at Al - A'raf, where the letter Miserable takes the worth 4,
etc until we arrive at N Al-Qalam, so the letter Religious woman gets the worth
14. In the wake of giving the qualities to the letters of Surat Al-Fatihah, we
organize the numbers to get a colossal number (138 digits) that is detachable
by 19 without a leftover portion. Here, dear peruser, is just table:


The fifth

 get a sum of 1000. Note that this number
demonstrates flawlessness (a various of 100 - Al-Fatihah is equivalent to the
whole Quran and a surah or 10 like it). Is likewise fascinating that as per
this table, Surat Al-Ikhlas gets a complete worth of 334, which is roughly 33%
of a thousand, and this is in concurrence with the maxim of the Prophet, may
God favor him and award him harmony, that Surat Al-Ikhlas is equivalent to 33%
of the Quran.

give each letter of Al-Fatihah (without the Basmalah) a numerical value
according to the Islamic numerical table of researcher Muhammad
Ubaidullah  to get a very large number (316 digits) that is divisible
by 19 without a remainder. Here is that table, dear reader: 

A=1000 S=900 N=800
A=700 H=600 R=500 Q=400 W=300 M=200 S=100 K=90 L=80 H=70 D=60 T=50
Y=40 B=30 F=20 C=10 K=9 Sh=8 G=7 Z=6 D=5 T=4 Th=3 Dh=2 Z=1




 س=900  ن=800  ع=700  ح=600  ر=500  ق=400 و=300
 م=200  ص=100  ك=90  ل=80  هـ=70  د=60
ط=50  ي=40  ب=30  ف=20  ج=10
 خ=9  ش=8  غ=7  ز=6  ض=5  ت=4  ث=3  ذ=2

I might want to bring up that the dependability of the past tables is demonstrated, as these qualities give numbers related, for instance, to the quantity of human chromosomes in Surat Al-Alaq and Surat Al-Insan.

The seventh truth:

Indivisible numbers will be numbers that are just detachable without anyone else and their dissemination in the universe is known exclusively to God (there is an award of 1,000,000 bucks for any individual who finds a condition to uncover these numbers). With a straightforward look, we find that Surat Al-Fatihah contains a few indivisible numbers:

Number of sections in the Surah: 7, which is an indivisible number.

Number of words in the Surah: 29, which is an indivisible number, and the amount of 9 + 2

= 11 (likewise an indivisible number). Number of letters in the Surah: 139, which is an indivisible number, and the amount of 9 + 3 + 1 = 13 (likewise an indivisible number).

Organizing the three qualities from right to endlessly left to right, we get two indivisible numbers: 139297 and 729139.

The eighth truth:

There is another table of the Arabic letter set which gives each letter an underlying worth in rising request (composed by Mr. Ali Adams). Here is this table, dear peruser:

أ=2 ب=3 ت=5 ث=7 ج=11 ح=13 خ=17 د=19 ذ=23 ر=29 ز=31 س=37 ش=41 ص=43 ض=47 ط=53
ظ=59 ع=61 غ=67 ف=71 ق=73 ك=79 ل=83 م=89 ن=97 ه=101 و=103 ي=107

A=2 B=3 T=5 Th=7 C=11 H=13 Kh=17 D=19 Dh=23 R=29 Z=31 S=37 Sh=41 S=43 D=47 T=53 Z=

59 A=61 G=67 F=71 Q=73 K=79 L=83 M=89 N=97 E=101 W=103 Y=107

At the point when we give each letter of the Fatiha its worth as indicated by this table, we get the all out amount of 8317, which is an indivisible number, and the amount of 7 + 1 + 3 + 8 = 19 (likewise an indivisible number).

The 10th truth:

We express each refrain of Surat Al-Fatihah by: its number, the quantity of its words, and the quantity of its letters, and we organize these qualities from right to left * :

بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ
1 4 19

الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ العلَمينَ
2 4 17

الرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ
3 2 12

ملِكِ يَومِ الدّينِ
4 3 11

إِيّاكَ نَعبُدُ وَإِيّاكَ نَستَعينُ
5 5 19

اهدِنَا الصِّرطَ المُستَقيمَ
6 3 18

صِرطَ الَّذينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِم غَيرِ المَغضوبِ عَلَيهِم وَلَا الضّالّينَ
7 10 43

The result=43107183619551134122317421941

This can divide by seven without any a leftover portion.


For the sake of God, the Most Charitable, the Most Kind

1 4 19

Acclaim be to God, Master of the Universes

2 4 17

The Most Thoughtful, the Most Forgiving

3 2 12

Lord of the Day of Judgment

4 3 11

You alone do we love, and You alone do we request help.

5 5 19

Guide us to the straight way

6 3 18

The way of those upon whom You have gave favor, not of the individuals who have brought about Your rage nor of the people who have wandered off.

7 10 43

The subsequent number from the line of these qualities is: 43107183619551134122317421941. This number is distinguishable by the Quranic consistent 7 without a leftover portion.

The 10th truth:

We express each expression of Al-Fatihah utilizing the combined letter counting strategy * :

For the sake of God, the Most Charitable, the Most Kind

3 7 13 19

Acclaim be to God, Ruler of the Universes

24 27 29 36

The Most Benevolent, the Most Kind

42 48

Lord of the Day of Judgment

51 54 59

You alone do we love, and You alone do we request help.

63 67 68 72 78

Guide us to the straight way

83 88 96

The way of those upon whom You have gave favor, not of the individuals who have brought about Your fury, nor of the people who have gotten sidetracked.

99 104 109 114 117 124 129 130 132 139

The subsequent number from the line of these qualities is 139132130129124117114109104999688837872686763595451484236292724191373. This number is likewise a numerous of seven.

The 11th truth:

We express each expression of Al-Fatihah utilizing the aggregate letter counting strategy (Qaloon's portrayal on the power of Nafi' - without the numbered Basmalah) * :

الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ العلَمينَ
5 8 10 17

الرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ
23 29

ملِكِ يَومِ الدّينِ
32 35 40

إِيّاكَ نَعبُدُ وَإِيّاكَ نَستَعينُ
44 48 49 53 59

اهدِنَا الصِّرطَ المُستَقيمَ
64 69 77

صِرطَ الَّذينَ أَنعَمتَ عَلَيهِم غَيرِ المَغضوبِ عَلَيهِم وَلَا الضّالّينَ
80 85 90 95 98 105 110 111 113 120

The result is120113111110105989590858077696459534948444035322923171085!

this number is a different of seven three times!

Acclaim be to God, Master of the Universes

5 8 10 17

The Most Charitable, the Most Forgiving

23 29

Lord of the Day of Judgment

32 35 40

You alone do we love, and You alone do we request help

. 44 48 49 53 59

Guide us to the straight way

64 69 77

The way of those upon whom You have gave favor, not of the people who have caused Your rage, nor of the individuals who have gotten sidetracked.

80 85 90 95 98 105 110 111 113 120

The subsequent number from the column of these qualities is 120113111110105989590858077696459534948444035322923171085 and this number is a different of seven three times!

The twelfth truth:

The quantity of letters in Surat Al-Fatihah is 21 letters, barring the redundancies, and 21 equivalents 7 x 3. The letters are:

Arabic letters in Surat A


The thirteenth truth:

The quantity of separated letters (letters toward the start of the Qur'an, like Alif, Lam, Meem, and Ta-Ha, and so on) in Surat Al-Fatihah is 14 letters, barring the rehashed letters, and 14 equivalents 7 x 2. The letters are:

The detached letters in Surat Al-Fatihah

The fourteenth truth:

The quantity of detached letters (letters toward the start of the Qur'an, like Alif, Lam, Meem, and Ta-Ha, and so forth) in Surat Al-Fatihah is 119 letters, including the redundancies, and 119 equivalents 7 x 17.

The fifteenth truth:

The quantity of letters that make up "Allah" (alif, lam and ha) in Surat Al-Fatihah is 49 letters with reiteration, and 49 equivalents 7 x 7.

The sixteenth truth:

These three letters are circulated firmly all through the expressions of Al-Fatihah. At the point when we compose under each word the quantity of these three letters it contains (Alif, Lam, and Ha), we get the number * :


This number is distinguishable by seven without a remaining portion. In any event, when we take the number that addresses the circulation of those three letters in Al-Fatihah as per Qaloon's portrayal (without the Basmalah), we observe that the number is likewise detachable by seven. The number is:


Surat Al-Fatihah - The Incomparable Mathematical Supernatural occurrence

 Surat Al-Fatihah - The Incomparable Mathematical Supernatural occurrence

سورة الفاتحة

- Al-Fātihah

“surat 1” the holy Quraan

بِسۡمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ

(1) In the name of Allāh,[2] the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.[3]

[2]- Allāh is a proper name belonging only to the one Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them, the Eternal and Absolute, to whom alone all worship is due.
[3]- Ar-Raḥmān and ar-Raḥeem are two names of Allāh derived from the word "raḥmah" (mercy) . In Arabic grammar both are intensive forms of "merciful" (i.e., extremely merciful) . A complimentary and comprehensive meaning is intended by using both together. Raḥmān is used only to describe Allāh, while raḥeem might be used to describe a person as well. The Prophet (ﷺ) was described in the Qur’ān as raḥeem. Raḥmān is above the human level (i.e., intensely merciful) . Since one usually understands intensity to be something of short duration, Allāh describes Himself also as raḥeem (i.e., continually merciful) . Raḥmān also carries a wider meaning - merciful to all creation. Justice is a part of this mercy. Raḥeem includes the concept of speciality - especially and specifically merciful to the believers. Forgiveness is a part of this mercy. In addition, Raḥmān is adjectival, referring to an attribute of Allāh and is part of His essence. Raḥeem is verbal, indicating what He does: i.e., bestowing and implementing mercy.

ٱلۡحَمۡدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلۡعَٰلَمِينَ


(2) [All] acclaim is [due] to Allāh, Lord[4] of the universes -

[4]-While alluding to Allāh (subḥānahu wa taʿālā) , the Arabic expression "rabb" (interpreted as "Master") incorporates the accompanying implications as a whole: "proprietor, ace, ruler, regulator, sustainer, supplier, gatekeeper and guardian."

ٱلرَّحۡمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ


(3) The Altogether Kind, the Particularly Tolerant

مَٰلِكِ يَوۡمِ ٱلدِّينِ


(4) Sovereign of the Day of Recompense

[5]-i.e., reimbursement and remuneration for whatever was acquired of good or evil during life on this planet.

إِيَّاكَ نَعۡبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسۡتَعِينُ

verse 5

(5) It is You we love and You we request help.

ٱهۡدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلۡمُسۡتَقِيمَ

verse 6

(6) Guide us to the straight way –

صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنۡعَمۡتَ عَلَيۡهِمۡ غَيۡرِ ٱلۡمَغۡضُوبِ عَلَيۡهِمۡ وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّينَ


(7) The way of those upon whom You have presented favor, not of the people who have procured [Your] outrage or of the individuals who are adrift.

Surat Al-Fatihah is the primary Surah in the Sacred Quran. The Prophet, harmony and endowments arrive, called this Surah the Mother of the Book and the Mother of the Quran in a few hadiths. Petitioning heaven isn't legitimate without discussing it. During this examination, we will find out about the astonishing mathematical supernatural occurrences in this extraordinary Surah.

Surat Al-Fatihah is a Meccan surah with 7 stanzas. It was named Al-Fatihah since it opens the Quran, meaning it is the first surah in it. Surat Al-Fatihah has in excess of twenty names, as referenced by Al-Suyuti in his book "Al-Itqan fi 'Ulun Al-Quran", which shows its honor, on the grounds that the huge number of names demonstrates the distinction of the one named. Among its names are: Umm Al-Kitab, Debris Shafiyyah, Al-Wafiyah, Al-Kafiyah, Al-Hamd, Al-Sab' Al-Mathani, and others. Abu Hurairah, may Allah be satisfied with him, said: The Courier of Allah, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, said: "The Umm Al-Qur'an is the Seven Frequently Rehashed and the Incomparable Quran."

Surat Al-Fatihah incorporates every one of the implications and goals of the Sacred Quran, and it resembles a prologue to the Quran in general. It discusses confidence, love, confidence Somewhat recently, and confidence in God All-powerful and His ascribes, and it singles out God All-powerful for love, request, and looking for direction to the straight way.

Hadiths on the benefits of Surat Al-Fatihah

On the power of Ibn Abbas, may God be satisfied with him, who said: While Gabriel was sitting with the Prophet, may God favor him and award him harmony, he heard a squeaking sound above him. He raised his head and said: This is an entryway in paradise that has been opened today. It has never been opened. Then a holy messenger plummeted from it and said: This is a holy messenger who has come sensible. He has never descended. He welcomed them and expressed: Cheer in two lights that you have been given that no prophet before you was given: the Launch of the Book and the last stanzas of Surat Al-Baqarah. You won't present a letter from them without being given it. [Narrated by Muslim and verified by Al-Albani in Sahih Al-Targheeb wa't-Tarheeb/1456]

like it has been uncovered in the Torah, the Gospel, the Hymns, or the Standard. It is the Seven Mathani, and the Incomparable Qur'an which I was given. Settled upon.

Mathematical marvel in Surat Al-Fatihah:

As we will see right away, this incredible Surah with its extraordinary implications has an astounding mathematical and strict design. This exploration depends on the Quranic constants 7 and 19 (which are indivisible numbers that are just separable without anyone else). The exploration likewise considers the various readings of the Quran. There are readings (like Hafs from Asim) that think about the Basmala a stanza of the Fatiha (for example it is numbered) and there are different readings that don't think about the Basmala a numbered refrain (like the perusing of Qaloon from Nafi').

Dear peruser, here is Surat Al-Fatihah (Hafs portrayal on the power of Asim):

Surah Al-Fatihah (1384 AH)

The main truth:

We take Surat Al-Fatihah as per the portrayals like the portrayal of Qaloon from Nafi' (without the numbered Basmalah) and we give each letter of the Blessed Surah a mathematical worth as per the request for the letter's appearance in the Surah. The primary word in the Surah without Basmalah is "Al-Hamd" thus the letter Alif is the main letter to show up, so this letter takes the worth 1 , the letter Lam is the second letter to show up, so it takes the worth 2 , the letter Ha is the third to show up, so it takes the mathematical worth 3 , the letter Meem is the worth 4, and the letter Dal takes the mathematical worth 5. We keep giving the letters mathematical qualities along these lines, so we go on with "Allah" : Lam has the past and deduced esteem 2 , while Ha takes the mathematical worth 6 , as it is the 6th letter of the Arabic language to show up in the Blessed Surah. We keep giving the letters values in this manner for the rest of the Surah... See underneath for nitty gritty tables of the upsides of the letters as per this technique.

We take these qualities and line them up next to each other from right to left to get various 165 digits. This number is a mathematical articulation of the letters of the Surah, each letter communicated by the worth extricated above (as per the request where the letter shows up in the Surah). This immense number is detachable by the indivisible number 19 without a leftover portion. The number 19 will go with us in the accompanying realities, and it is the number that God All-powerful communicates in Surah Al-Muddaththir as the quantity of holy messengers relegated to Damnation and that their number was clarified so the adherents among the perusers of the Qur'an and the past great books might comprehend.

This is the number coming about because of the mathematical articulation of the letters of Surat Al-Fatihah without the Basmalah utilizing the upsides of the letters (as per the request where they show up):

The letters of Surat Al-Fatihah are addressed by mathematical upsides of the Arabic letters as per the request for their appearance in Surat Al-Fatihah (without the Basmalah)

THE Subsequent Reality

to be continued

Friday, January 17, 2025

Salman Al Farsi his story to switch over completely to Islam

Salman Al Farsi his story to switch over completely to Islam

Salman al-Farisi or Salman al-Muhammadi (passed on 33 AH) at Percia 568 end 654

was a companion of the Prophet Muhammad , a client of the Prophet Muhammad , and one of the narrators of the Prophetic Hadith . He was the essential Persian to change over totally to Islam. He was at first from Persia , and left his family and nation in journey for data on the certified religion. He moved between countries to go with fair pastors, until one of them depicted to him the presence of a prophet in the spot that is known for the Bedouins , and portrayed completes desk work for him to affirm. Salman agreed with a social event of Banu Kalb to assume him to the position that is known for the Bedouins, but they deceived him and offered him to a Jew from Channel al-Qura . Then, at that point, another Jew from Yathrib from Banu Qurayza got him and took him to his country.

Right when the Prophet Muhammad moved to Yathrib, Salman learned about him and hustled to affirm the signs. He was certain that he was the Prophet he was looking for. He exchanged over totally to Islam, and the Prophet Muhammad and his mates helped him with staying in contact with his ruler, until he was freed. After his chance, Salman saw the Conflict of the Channel with the Prophet Muhammad. He was the individual who proposed digging the channel to safeguard the city from the Quraysh and their accomplices. He then, saw different battles with him . After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Salman saw the Islamic triumph of Persia , and acknowledged the emirate of Madain during the caliphate of Omar ibn al-Khattab until he kicked the can during the caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan .

His name and ancestry

His name was Ruzbeh , and the Prophet Muhammad named him Salman. His father's name was Khashfudhan , and the last choice was from the Dahakis of Persia - and it was said from its Suwar - and he had authority over a piece of the laborers from the offspring of Isfahan, and he was rich and had a couple farms.

Concerning his family line: he is Mabah repository Budakhshan compartment Murslan canister Bahbudhan canister Firuz container Sahrak, from the family members of Stomach muscle al-Malik.

His biography

The Well of Needy individuals or the Well of Salman Al-Farsi in Medina

Salman Al-Farsi's cycle preceding appearing in Yathrib

Abdullah canister Abbas portrayed on the force of Salman the record of his life as a youngster until the hour of his change to Islam, where he said:

"I was a Persian man from Isfahan , from a town called Ji. My father was its laborer , and I was the most loved of God's creation to him. His love for me happened until he kept me got in his home as one would get a slave young woman. I attempted hard in Zoroastrianism until I was the individual who got the fire moving and didn't permit it to go out for an hour. My father had a huge area, and on one event he was busy structure it. He told me, ' My kid, I have been busy with building it today and not doing my endowment . Continue to evaluate it.' He mentioned me to do some of what he wanted. So I went out, and a while later he said, ' Don't keep me stopping, for if you keep me holding up you will be more basic to me than my space, and you will keep me involved from the wide range of various things in my everyday presence .'" So I went out to his home, and I passed by a Christian church , and I heard their voices petitioning in it, and I had no clue about why people had mentioned my father to keep me in his home. When I passed by them and heard their voices, I went in to see what they were doing, and when I saw them, I was stunned by their solicitations, and I was enthusiastic about their endeavor, and I said: " This - by God - is better than the religion we follow ." By God, I didn't leave them until the sun set, and I left my father's endowment without going there, and I told them: " Where might the start of this religion at some point be? " They communicated: " In Syria ." Then, at that point, I returned to my father, and he had sent for me and I had redirected him from all his work, and when I came to him he said: " O my kid, where in the world have you been? Did I not enrich you with what I depended? " I said: " O father, I passed by specific people petitioning in their assembly, and I was stunned by what I saw of their religion, and by God, I remained with them until the sun set ." He said: " O my kid, there is no respectable in that religion, that religion, your religion and the religion of your fathers are better than it ." I said: " No, by God, it is better than our religion ." He said: " He feared me, so he put shackles on my feet, then, he got me in his home ." So I transported off the Christians and said: " While a get-together of Christian sellers from Syria come to you , enlighten me about them." So a social event of Christians from Syria came to them and informed me about them. I said: " When they have fulfilled their prerequisites and need to return, enlighten me ." So they did, so I threw the iron from my feet and went out with them until I showed up at Syria. When I appeared, I said: " Who is wonderful people of this religion? " They said: " The pastor in the gathering ." So I went to him and said: " I'm enthusiastic about this religion, and I should go with you, serve you in your assemblage, gain from you, and ask with you ." He said: " Then, enter ." So I entered with him. He was a horrendous man who mentioned them to give respectable goal and encouraged them to do in that capacity. Exactly when they assembled some of it for him, he collected it for himself and didn't give it to the poor until he had accumulated seven compartments of gold and silver . I hated him firmly by virtue of what I saw him do. Then, he passed on. The Christians gathered around him to cover him, so I imparted to them: " This is a horrible man. He orchestrates you to give respectable goal and urges you to do all things considered. While you bring it, he stores it for himself and doesn't give it to destitute individuals. " I showed them the place where he had hid away his fortune, seven compartments full. Exactly when they saw them, they communicated: " By God, we will not at any point cover him ." So they killed him and threw stones at him. Then, they got a man and put him his place. I have never seen a man who I accepted was better than him. He was more repudiated of this world, more jealous of the Incomparable past, and more resolved night and day. I don't understand that I have anytime loved anything before his fondness. I remained with him until' the end pushed toward him, so I said: " O various things, what you see of the subject of Allah has come to you, and by Allah I revered loved nothing whatever amount of you have treasured me. What do you arrange me to do and to whom do you provoke me? " He imparted to me: " O my youngster, by Allah, I have close to zero familiarity with anyone beside a man in Mosul . Go to him, for you will find him in a comparable state as me." When he died and was concealed, I went to Mosul and went to its ruler. I found him in a comparative state of assurance and miserliness. I told him: " One or the other has urged me to come to you and go with you ." He said: " Then, remain, my kid ." So I stayed with him in comparative state as his amigo until' the end came to him. I imparted to him: " One or the other has urged me to come to you, and what you see of the subject of Allah has come to you. To whom do you urge me to do? Moreover, what do you urge me to do? " He communicated: " By Allah, I have no clue, my kid, except for a man in Nasibin ." When we covered him, I joined the other one and stayed with him in comparative condition as them until' the end came to him. He endorsed me to a man from people of Amorium in Rome. I went to him and found him in comparative condition as them. I got cash until I had products and cows. Then, at that point, he was failing miserably, so I tended to him, to whom do you propose me? He said, " O my youngster, by God, I have barely any familiarity with anyone left in comparative condition as we were. I demand you to go to him, yet the open door has shown up when a prophet will be sent from the place of refuge, migrating between two magma fields to a sharp land with palm trees. There are signs in him that can't be concealed. Between his shoulders is the sign of prophethood . He will eat gifts yet not cause. If you can get to that country, do accordingly, for his chance has shown up ." When we covered him, I stayed until a few Center Easterner dealers from Kalb passed by me . I imparted to them, " Will you assume me to the position that is known for the Center Easterners and give you my products and cows? " They said, " Yes ." So I gave it to them and they conveyed me, until when they conveyed me to Stream al-Qura , they disregarded me and offered me as a hostage to a Jewish man in Channel al-Qura. By Allah, I saw the palm trees and believed that it was the city that my companion had portrayed to me. However, I didn't justify it until a man from Banu Qurayzah came to Channel al-Qura and got me from my companion He took me out until we showed up at Madinah. By Allah, when I saw it, I saw its portrayal. I remained in enslavement , and Allah sent His Prophet (amicability and gifts of Allah show up ) to Makkah , and nothing of his endeavor was referred to me despite the bondage I was in, until the Dispatch of Allah (city that my companion had portrayed to me. However, I didn't justify it until a man from Banu Qurayzah came to Channel al-Qura and got me from my companion He took me out until we showed up at Madinah. By Allah, when I saw it, I saw its portrayal. I remained in oppression , and Allah sent His Prophet (congruity and enrichments of Allah show up ) to Makkah , and nothing of his endeavor was referred to me despite the bondage I was in, until the Dispatch of Allah ( concordance and favors of Allah show up) came to Quba' , and I was working for my pal on a palm tree of his. By Allah, I was in it when his cousin came to him and said: " O various things, may Allah fight Banu Qaylah . By Allah, they are presently in Quba' a come gathered around a man from Makkah and they ensure that he is a prophet ." By Allah, when I heard it, I shivered until I figured I could fall on my companion, and I got down saying: " What is this data? " My ruler lifted his hand and gave me a hard punch and said: " How might you have to deal with this?

Move toward your work ." I said: " Nothing; I just heard some news and had to know it ." While night came, I had some food with me, so I took it and went to the Dispatch of Allah (may Allah favor him and grant him agreement ) while he was in Quba' and imparted to him: " I have heard that you are an excellent man and that you have mates who are outsiders to you. I had a purpose and I saw that you are more justifying it than this country. Here is this, eat from it ." He stopped and imparted to his companions: " Eat ." I imparted to myself:

" This is a piece of what my companion depicted to me ." Then, I returned and the Dispatch of Allah (may Allah favor him and grant him concordance) went to… The city , so I gathered something I had and conveyed it to him, and I said: " I have seen that you don't eat great objective, and this is a gift ." So the Dispatch of Allah (congruity and blessings of Allah show up ) ate and his mates ate, so I said: " These are two characteristics ." Then I came to the Dispatch of Allah ( agreement and enrichments of Allah show up), and he was following an entombment administration march, and I was wearing two covers of mine and he was with his pals, so I went to see his back to check whether I saw the seal that had been portrayed to me.

Exactly when he saw me getting some separation from him, he understand that I was affirming something that had been depicted to me, so he lost his cover his back, and I looked at the seal and recollected that it, so I fell on him, kissing him and crying. Then, at that point, he imparted to me: " Turn ." So I turned and depicted to him my story as I had portrayed to you, O Ibn Abbas, and the Dispatch of Allah (amicability and favors of Allah show up) was paralyzed that his partners heard that. Then, at that point, Salman was busy with enslavement until he missed Badr and Uhud with the Messenger of Allah ( amicability and blessings of Allah show up ). Then, the Dispatch of Allah (congruity and favors of Allah show up) said: " Make, O Salman ." So I created a concurrence with my partner for 300 palm trees that I would reestablish for him to assist destitute individuals, and for forty ounces. The Dispatch of Allah (PBUH ) told his mates: " Help your kin ." So they helped me with the palm trees, one man with thirty blood reserves, one more with twenty, and one more with fifteen, until 300 blood cash had been accumulated.

He said: " Go, Salman, and pay for it, and when you are done, come to me so I can pay it with my own hand." So I paid for itself as well as my mates helped me, and when I was done, I went to him and told him, and he went out with me to it and we offered him the blood money, and he put it with his own hand. By the One in Whose Hand is Salman's soul, not a lone blood cash kicked the container from it. So I paid the palm trees, and I had cash left wrapped up. Then, the Dispatch of Allah ( PBUH) was brought something like a chicken's egg made of gold from one of the battles, and he said: " What did the Persian slave who had been freed from subjugation do? " So I was called to him, and he said: " Take it and pay what you owe with it ." I said: " And how does this find a spot with what I owe, O Dispatch of Allah? " He said: " Take it, for Allah will pay it for your advantage ." So I took it and weighed for them forty ounces of it, and I paid them their due and freed them. I saw the Clash of the Channel with the Dispatch of God, may God favor him and grant him concordance, as a freed individual, and I missed no battle with him."

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Convert Abdullah canister Salam to Islam THE BIG RELIGION JEWS MAN AT THE TIME OF THE PROPHET "

 Convert Abdullah canister Salam to Islam

• movement to Badr

Abdullah canister Salam container Al-Harith was a rabbi from the researchers of the Jews of Banu Qaynuqa. He changed over completely to Islam when the Prophet (harmony and favors of Allah arrive) showed up in Medina. Al - Dhahabi said about him in Al-Diviner: "The Imam, the rabbi, who was guaranteed Heaven, a partner of the Ansar, and one of the unique sidekicks of the Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allah arrive)." Al-Nawawi said about him : "He is from the relatives of Joseph canister Jacob container Ishaq receptacle Ibrahim Al-Khalil (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive). His name in the pre-Islamic time was Hasin, so the Courier of Allah (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) named him Abdullah . He changed over completely to Islam when the Courier of Allah (harmony and gifts of Allah arrive) first showed up in Medina."

After the Prophet (harmony and favors of God arrive) showed up in Medina as a traveler from Mecca, the Ansar were anticipating facilitating him, and at whatever point he passed by one of them he would welcome him to remain with him. So he (harmony and favors of God arrive) would agree to them: Leave the she-camel, for it has been requested. So it bowed at the entryway of Abu Ayyub al-Ansari (may God be satisfied with him), in the spot of the Prophet's Mosque which is presently. Then, at that point, the assignments started to rush to the Courier of God (harmony and gifts of God arrive) in the place of Abu Ayyub, and individuals shouted to one another: The Courier of God has shown up, the Courier of God has shown up. Abdullah canister Salam

accompanied individuals to see the Courier of Allah, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, and he said: " When the Courier of Allah, may Allah favor him and award him harmony , first came to Medina , individuals hurried to him. I was among the people who came to him. At the point when I saw his face and checked it, I realize that his face was not the substance of a liar!" He said: "The primary thing I heard from him was that he said: 'O individuals! Spread harmony, feed poor people, and supplicate around evening time while individuals are snoozing, and you will enter Heaven in harmony .'" Described by Al-Tirmidhi . Al-Sindi said : "I realize that his face was not the essence of a liar in view of the splendid lights of prophethood that sparkled upon him. In the event that individuals of nobility and supplication around evening time are perceived by their countenances, then how is it that he could be, since he is their lord, may Allah favor him and award him harmony?" On the power of Anas receptacle Malik - may God be satisfied with him - he said: ( Abdullah canister Salam knew about the appearance of the Prophet - may God favor him and award him harmony - to Medina, so he came to him getting some information about things, and he said: I will get some information about three things that main a prophet knows: What is the principal indication of Great importance? What is the main food that individuals of Heaven will eat? Also, for what reason does the kid follow his dad or his mom? He said: Gabriel enlightened me quite recently. Ibn Salam said: That is the adversary of the Jews from the holy messengers. He expressed: Concerning the primary indication of Great importance, a fire will accumulate them from the east toward the west, and with respect to the main food that individuals of Heaven will eat, it is the additional liver of a fish. Concerning the youngster, assuming the man's semen goes before the lady's semen, the kid will be conceived, and in the event that the lady's semen goes before the man's semen, the kid will be conceived. He said: I give testimony there is no god except for God, and that you are the Courier of God. He said: O Courier of God, the Jews are a group of criticism, so inquire as to myself before they are familiar my Islam. So the Jews came, and the Prophet - may God favor him and award him harmony - said: What sort of man is Abdullah container Salam ? Among you?! They said: The best of us and the child of the best of us, the most phenomenal of us and the child of the most incredible of us. The Prophet - may God favor him and award him harmony - said: What is your take assuming Abdullah receptacle Salam becomes Muslim ?! They said: May God safeguard him from that. He rehashed it to them and they said exactly the same thing. Then, at that point, Abdullah went out to them.

He said: I take the stand there is no god except for God, and that Muhammad is the Courier of God. They said: He is the most awful of us and the child of the most exceedingly terrible of us, and they disparage him. He said: This is the thing I dreaded, O Courier of God . Described by Al-Bukhari .

The Jews used to hurt those of their rabbis who accepted, and raise questions about them, and toss terrible misleading allegations at them. The Heavenly Qur'an enlightened us concerning this malevolent strategy, and guarded those devotees against whom the Jews coordinated those unreasonable missions, and among them was Abdullah canister Salam. Allah the All-powerful said:

{ لَيْسُوا سَوَاءً مِّنْ أَهْلِ الْكِتَابِ أُمَّةٌ قَائِمَةٌ يَتْلُونَ آيَاتِ اللهِ آنَاءَ اللَّيْلِ وَهُمْ يَسْجُدُونَ * يُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللهِ وَالْيَوْمِ الآَخِرِ وَيَأْمُرُونَ بالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَوْنَ عَنِ الْمُنْكَرِ وَيُسَارِعُونَ فِي الْخَيْرَاتِ وَأُولَئِكَ مِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ * وَمَا يَفْعَلُوا مِنْ خَيْرٍ فَلَنْ يُكْفَرُوهُ وَاللهُ عَلِيمٌ بِالْمُتَّقِينَ

}(آل عمران 113 : 115) .

Surah 2 verse 113:115”

{ Not all are equivalent. Among Individuals of the Sacred writing is a local area standing [in prayer], presenting the stanzas of Allah during times of the evening and prostrating [in prayer]. They have confidence in Allah and the Last Day, and they order what is correct and disallow what's going on and hurry to great deeds. Furthermore, those are of the [rightly] guided.} The honest. Furthermore, anything great they do - never will it be denied them. What's more, God is Knowing about the honest . (Al Imran 113:115) Al-Wahidi

said in the explanations behind disclosure: " Ibn Abbas and Muqatil said : When Abdullah canister Salam, Tha'laba container As'ad, Asid receptacle Sa'na, Asad container Ubayd , and the people who changed over from the Jews switched over completely to Islam, the Jewish rabbis said: None had faith in Muhammad with the exception of the most awful of us, and in the event that they were among our best they could never have deserted the religion of their dads. They told them: You have deceived when you supplanted your religion with another religion. So God All-powerful uncovered { They are not all the same} (Al Imran: 113). In the tale of Abdullah container Salam's change to Islam - may God be satisfied with him - it turns out to be obvious to us that the Jews are a group of defamation, or at least, individuals of misrepresentation and falsehoods, who say and manufacture about others what isn't in them. This is taken from the assertion of one of their researchers and rabbis - specifically Abdullah canister Salam - after God held nothing back from Islam, he said: ( O Courier of God! The Jews are a group of criticism ), and from their defamation is that they lied about God and depicted Him in a manner that isn't proper. God All-powerful said: { Allah has heard the articulation of the individuals who said, "To be sure, Allah is poor, and we are rich." We will record what they said and their killing of the prophets shamefully, and We will say, "Taste the discipline of the Copying Fire ." (Al-Imran: 181). Allah the All-powerful additionally said, " And the Jews say, 'The hand of Allah is fastened.' Anchored are their hands, and they are reviled for what they said. Rather, His hands are expanded; He spends as He wills. " (Al-Ma'idah: 64). Allah the All-powerful additionally said, " And the Jews say , Ezra is the child of Allah, and the Christians say, "The Savior is the child of Allah." That is their assertion with their mouths; they mirror the assertion of the individuals who questioned previously. May Allah obliterate them! How are they bamboozled ? (At-Tawbah: 30) Great greetings and a supernatural occurrence: The Prophet, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, gave Abdullah receptacle Salam, may Allah be satisfied with him, great news of Heaven . On the power of Muadh receptacle Jabal , may Allah be satisfied with him, he said: " Look for information from four: Uwaimir Abu Promotion Darda', Salman Al-Farsi, Abdullah container Mas'ud, and Abdullah canister Salam.

He was a Jew who changed over completely to Islam. I heard the Courier of God, may God favor him and award him harmony, say: He is the 10th of ten in Heaven . Described by Al-Tirmidhi .

On the power of Kharshah ibn al-Har, he said: " I was sitting in a circle in the mosque of Madinah, and in it was a sharp looking elderly person, Abdullah ibn Salam. He started to recount to them a decent story. At the point when he stood up, individuals said: 'Whoever might want to see a man from individuals of Heaven, let him take a gander at this one.' I said: 'By God, I will follow him and find out where his home is.' So I followed him and he set off until he nearly left Madinah, then, at that point, he went into his home. I requested that consent see him and he gave me authorization. He expressed out loud: 'Whatever do you really want, O child of my sibling?' I shared with him: 'I heard individuals telling you when you stood up, whoever might want to see a man from individuals of Heaven, let him take a gander at this one.' I got a kick out of the chance to accompany you. He said: 'Allah knows best about individuals of Heaven, and I will let you know what they said. While I was resting, a man came to me and expressed: 'Get up.' He grasped my hand and I set off with him, and I saw a mountain to my left side. I took it to take it, yet he shared with me: 'Don't take it, for it is the way of individuals of the left.' I saw a mountain to my right side, and he told me: 'Take along these lines.' He carried me to a mountain and said: He said: To me: Ascend, he said: So at whatever point I needed to ascend, I would fall on my rear, until I did that over and over, he said: Then he took me until he presented to me a point of support whose top was overhead and its base was on the ground, at the highest point of which was a ring, and he shared with me: Jump on this, I said: How might I climb this when its top is overhead, so he grasped my hand and pushed me, and I was clinging to the ring, then, at that point, he struck the point of support and fell, and I remained holding tight to the ring until morning.. He said: So I came to the Prophet - may God favor him and award him harmony - and enlightened him, and he expressed: Concerning the ways that you saw to your left side, they are the ways of individuals of the left, and with respect to the ways that you saw to your right side, they are the ways of individuals of the right, and with respect to the mountain, it is the habitation of the saints, and you won't achieve it, and concerning the point of support, it is the mainstay of Islam, and with respect to the handle, it is the handle of Islam, and you won't stop clutching it until you kick the bucket ) Described by Muslim . Al-Bayhaqi

said : "And this is a supernatural occurrence... as he informed that Abu Ubaid al-Qasim Ibn Salam and others referenced." Ibn Abd al-Barr said : "He kicked the bucket in Medina during the caliphate of Muawiyah in the year 43, and the Courier of Allah, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, saw Abdullah ibn Salam playing in Heaven." The news came about Individuals of the Book knowing the depiction of our Prophet, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, and consequently the Prophet, may Allah favor him and award him harmony, used to say in his location to them: ( O gathering of Jews, misfortune to you, dread Allah, for by Allah, there is no god except for Him, you realize that I am genuinely the Courier of Allah, and that I have come to you with reality, so submit to Allah ). This is what Abdullah ibn Salam , may Allah be satisfied with him, affirmed after he switched over completely to Islam when he said: ( O gathering of Jews, dread Allah, for by Allah, there is no god except for Him, you realize that he is the Courier of Allah, and that he has accompanied reality ). Described by al-Bukhari . Ibn Taymiyyah said : "The fresh insight about Individuals of the Book's information on the depiction of Muhammad - may God favor him and award him harmony - is in their past books and is sent from them in progressive chains." In spite of that, some of them had confidence in the Prophet - may God favor him and award him harmony - and some of them were kept from having faith in him by jealousy and presumption, so they lost this world and the great beyond.Related materials

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

the questions were asked by the Jews and answered by the prophet"? Two-horned


حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَغْرُبُ فِي عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ وَوَجَدَ عِنْدَهَا قَوْمًا قُلْنَا يَا ذَا الْقَرْنَيْنِ إِمَّا أَنْ تُعَذِّبَ وَإِمَّا أَنْ تَتَّخِذَ فِيهِمْ حُسْنًا


Surah 18 verse 86

Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people. Allah said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you punish [them] or else adopt among them [a way of] goodness

Dhul-Qarnayn is the name of an individual referenced in the Qur'an as a jus

ruler and an honorable worker of God, who constructed a boundary to shield a group from the mischief of Gog and Magog .

The Qur'an recounts the tale of Dhul-Qarnayn and that he started to meander the earth with his military, calling to God . He traveled west until he arrived at the finish of the known earth around then,

Gog and Magog .

The Qur'an recounts the tale of Dhul-Qarnayn and that he started to wander the earth with his military, calling to God . He traveled west until he arrived at the finish of the known earth around then, " Until, when he arrived at the setting of the sun, he found it setting in a spring of cloudy water. Furthermore, he tracked down close to it a group. We said, 'O Dhul-Qarnayn,

﴿حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَغْرُبُ فِي عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ وَوَجَدَ عِنْدَهَا قَوْمًا قُلْنَا يَا ذَا الْقَرْنَيْنِ إِمَّا أَنْ تُعَذِّبَ وَإِمَّا أَنْ تَتَّخِذَ فِيهِمْ حُسْنًا


. '"86

( Surat Al-Kahf , section 86) , and Ibn Kathir's translation states : " That is, he saw the sun in his view setting in the encompassing ocean, and this is the situation for every individual who arrives at its shore, he sees maybe it is setting in it ." The reporters have referenced that the justification for naming Dhul-Qarnayn is because of his arriving at the east and the west , as the Bedouins express that with the horns of the sun , and it was said in light of the fact that he had two meshes of hair and plaits called horns,

and it was said that he had two horns under his turban , and different things were said, and obviously none of these understandings have proof that should be considered, and consequently the matter remaining parts a question of the concealed

In Islam

In the Quran

Dhul-Qarnayn was referenced in the Heavenly Quran in Surat Al-Kahf, beginning from stanza 83 to section 98:

﴿وَيَسْأَلُونَكَ عَنْ ذِي الْقَرْنَيْنِ قُلْ سَأَتْلُو عَلَيْكُمْ مِنْهُ ذِكْرًا ٨٣ إِنَّا مَكَّنَّا لَهُ فِي الْأَرْضِ وَآتَيْنَاهُ مِنْ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ سَبَبًا ٨٤ فَأَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا ٨٥ حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَغْرُبُ فِي عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ وَوَجَدَ عِنْدَهَا قَوْمًا قُلْنَا يَا ذَا الْقَرْنَيْنِ إِمَّا أَنْ تُعَذِّبَ وَإِمَّا أَنْ تَتَّخِذَ فِيهِمْ حُسْنًا ٨٦ قَالَ أَمَّا مَنْ ظَلَمَ فَسَوْفَ نُعَذِّبُهُ ثُمَّ يُرَدُّ إِلَى رَبِّهِ فَيُعَذِّبُهُ عَذَابًا نُكْرًا ٨٧ وَأَمَّا مَنْ آمَنَ وَعَمِلَ صَالِحًا فَلَهُ جَزَاءً الْحُسْنَى وَسَنَقُولُ لَهُ مِنْ أَمْرِنَا يُسْرًا ٨٨ ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا ٨٩ حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ مَطْلِعَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَطْلُعُ عَلَى قَوْمٍ لَمْ نَجْعَلْ لَهُمْ مِنْ دُونِهَا سِتْرًا ٩٠ كَذَلِكَ وَقَدْ أَحَطْنَا بِمَا لَدَيْهِ خُبْرًا ٩١ ثُمَّ أَتْبَعَ سَبَبًا ٩٢﴾﴿حَتَّى إِذَا بَلَغَ بَيْنَ السَّدَّيْنِ وَجَدَ مِنْ دُونِهِمَا قَوْمًا لَا يَكَادُونَ يَفْقَهُونَ قَوْلًا ٩٣ قَالُوا يَا ذَا الْقَرْنَيْنِ إِنَّ يَأْجُوجَ وَمَأْجُوجَ مُفْسِدُونَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَهَلْ نَجْعَلُ لَكَ خَرْجًا عَلَى أَنْ تَجْعَلَ بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَهُمْ سَدًّا ٩٤ قَالَ مَا مَكَّنِّي فِيهِ رَبِّي خَيْرٌ فَأَعِينُونِي بِقُوَّةٍ أَجْعَلْ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَهُمْ رَدْمًا ٩٥ آتُونِي زُبَرَ الْحَدِيدِ حَتَّى إِذَا سَاوَى بَيْنَ الصَّدَفَيْنِ قَالَ انْفُخُوا حَتَّى إِذَا جَعَلَهُ نَارًا قَالَ آتُونِي أُفْرِغْ عَلَيْهِ قِطْرًا ٩٦ فَمَا اسْطَاعُوا أَنْ يَظْهَرُوهُ وَمَا اسْتَطَاعُوا لَهُ نَقْبًا ٩٧ قَالَ هَذَا رَحْمَةٌ مِنْ رَبِّي فَإِذَا جَاءَ وَعْدُ رَبِّي جَعَلَهُ دَكَّاءَ وَكَانَ وَعْدُ رَبِّي حَقًّا ٩٨

Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people. Allah said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you punish [them] or else adopt among them [a way of] goodness."

Translate of verse 83 surah 18

Indeed We established him upon the earth, and We gave him to everything a way.

Translate of verse 84 surah18

So he followed a way

Translate of verse 85 surah18

Until, when he reached the setting of the sun, he found it [as if] setting in a spring of dark mud, and he found near it a people. Allah said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, either you punish [them] or else adopt among them [a way of] goodness."

Translate of verse 86 surah18

He said, "As for one who wrongs, we will punish him. Then he will be returned to his Lord, and He will punish him with a terrible punishment.

Translate of verse 87 surah18

But as for one who believes and does righteousness, he will have a reward of Paradise, and we will speak to him from our command with ease."

Translate of verse 88 surah18

Then he followed a way


Translate of verse 89 surah18

Until, when he came to the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people for whom We had not made against it any shield

Translate of verse 90 surah18

Thus. And We had encompassed [all] that he had in knowledge.

Translate of verse 91 surah18

Then he followed a way

Translate of verse 92 surah18

Until, when he reached [a pass] between two mountains, he found beside them a people who could hardly understand [his] speech.

Translate of verse 93 surah18

They said, "O Dhul-Qarnayn, indeed Gog and Magog are [great] corrupters in the land. So may we assign for you an expenditure that you might make between us and them a barrier?"

Translate of verse 94 surah18

He said, "That in which my Lord has established me is better [than what you offer], but assist me with strength; I will make between you and them a dam.

Translate of verse 95 surah18

Bring me sheets of iron" - until, when he had leveled [them] between the two mountain walls, he said, "Blow [with bellows]," until when he had made it [like] fire, he said, "Bring me, that I may pour over it molten copper."

Translate of verse 96 surah18

So Gog and Magog were unable to pass over it, nor were they able [to effect] in it any penetration.

Translate of verse 97 surah18

[Dhul-Qarnayn] said, "This is a mercy from my Lord; but when the promise of my Lord comes, He will make it level, and ever is the promise of my Lord true."

Translate of verse 98 surah18

The eighty-third stanza of Surat Al-Kahf , in which the exemplary pioneer "Dhul-Qarnayn" is referenced.

The Qur'an specifies that Dhul-Qarnayn was a ruler whom Allah had engaged on the planet and given the resources to do as such. He vanquished nations until, when he traveled west, he arrived where the sun seemed, by all accounts, to be setting behind him, where individuals thought there was no land behind him. Individuals of this district were unbelievers, so Allah gave him the decision between rebuffing them or letting them be. He reported that He would rebuff the aggressors and oppressors in this world, and afterward consider them responsible before Allah Upon the arrival of Judgment . With respect to the people who accepted, He would respect them and treat them well. At the point when he arrived at the setting of the sun , he turned around, proposing to set out toward the ascending of the sun, following the means. He arrived at the ascending of the sun and found it ascending on individuals who had no sanctuary from the sun, either in light of the fact that they were not ready in that frame of mind, because of their expanded brutality and savageness, and their absence of human progress, or in light of the fact that the sun was steady among them, and didn't set on them at a vital setting.

Surat Al-Kahf from refrain 83 to stanza 98, that is to say, the segment in which the account of Dhul-Qarnayn is referenced in full.

Then, at that point, he went from the east , planning to go north , and he arrived at between the two dams, which were two dams, which were mountain ranges known around then. He found, past the two dams, a group who could barely comprehend a word due to the unfamiliarity of their tongues, and the bizarreness of their psyches and hearts, so they whined to him about the mischief of Gog and Magog , and they were two extraordinary countries of the offspring of Adam. So he took no wages from them, yet requested that they assist him with their solidarity, and requested that they bring him iron and copper , and he requested them to blow on the iron, and they utilized howls to make it more grounded, so it would liquefy the copper, and when the copper, which he needed to stick between the iron sheets, dissolved, he poured liquid copper on it, and the dam areas of strength for became, that Gog and Magog couldn't penetrate it.

There are portrayals in the books of understanding about the justification for the disclosure of the tale of Dhul-Qarnayn, that the polytheists of Quraysh sent Al-Nadr container Al-Harith and Uqbah canister Abi Mu'ayt to the Jewish rabbis in Yathrib and shared with them: "Get some information about Muhammad, depict his qualities to them, and educate them regarding his words, for they are individuals of the principal book, and they know about what we don't have of the information on the prophets." The Jewish rabbis said: "Get some information about three things that we order you to do, and on the off chance that he illuminates you regarding them, he is a prophet sent, and on the off chance that he doesn't… " He does, for the man is a liar, so portray your perspective about him. Get some information about the young people who died in the main time, what was their undertaking, for they had a weird story. Get some information about a meandering man who had arrived at the east and west of the earth, and what was his information. Get some information about the soul, what it is. So when the Quraysh posed the Prophet the three inquiries, he told them: "I will let you know what you got some information about tomorrow," however the Prophet stayed 15 evenings without coming to him. The disclosure disheartened the Prophet and he was bothered by what individuals of Mecca were talking about. Then, at that point, Gabriel came to him from God with Surat Al-Kahf. This hadith was debilitated by Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani and others.

Muslim researchers maxims

The observers varied about Dhul-Qarnayn. Some said: He was a prophet, and others said: He was a lord. Ibn Kathir said : "The right view is that he was one of the fair lords." Ibn Abbas said : "Dhul-Qarnayn was a noble ruler, and Allah was satisfied with his deeds and lauded him in His Book." Ali ibn Abi Talib was gotten some information about Dhul-Qarnayn. He said: "He was neither a prophet nor a courier nor a ruler, however he was a noble worker." Wahb ibn Munabbih said : "He had two horns of copper on his head." Ibn Kathir said: "This is frail." It was said: He was called Dhul-Qarnayn on the grounds that he was the lord of Persia and Rome , so he was given this title. It was additionally said: On the grounds that he arrived at the horns of the sun, east and west, and controlled the land between them. It was likewise said: He managed the earth for quite a long time: two Muslims: Solomon and Dhul-Qarnayn, and two unbelievers: Nimrod and Nebuchadnezzar . It was referenced in the understanding of the importance of his name that he was called Dhul-Qarnayn on the grounds that he came to the farthest piece of the earth in the west and the farthest part in the east, and it was expressed as a result of the two horns of his head, and it was said something else, and the justification behind the name isn't settled upon, and there are a few platitudes about it referenced by individuals of the books of translation.

Ibn Kathir referenced that Dhul-Qarnayn changed over completely to Islam on account of Abraham , and he and Ishmael circumambulated the Kaaba with him. Al-Tabari referenced that he was in the hour of Al-Khidr , and that Al-Khidr was at the front of his military, and he was with him in the place of an expert, which is to the ruler in the place of a clergyman. Ibn Kathir remarked on that and said: The right view is that he - that is, Al-Khidr - was in the hour of Afridun , and he stayed alive until Moses met him .

In Judaism

Part of a progression of articles about Extraordinary science , Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Tawiya, Zoroastrianism, Across religions


The Holy book recounts the tale of a noble chief called Logranaiim or the two-horned one in the Book of Daniel : "The smash which you saw having two horns is the rulers of Media and Persia. The wild goat is the ruler of Greece, and the extraordinary horn that is between his eyes is the main lord. At the point when it is broken, and four ascent up in its place, four realms will emerge from the country, however not in his solidarity." And toward the finish of their realm, when offenses are done, there will emerge a lord with a brutal face, and a comprehension of trickiness. His power will be perfect, yet not by his own solidarity. He will obliterate brilliantly, and will succeed, and will do, and will annihilate the rulers, and individuals of the holy people. By his guile additionally duplicity will flourish in his grasp, and he will be amplified in his heart. What's more, in harmony he will annihilate many, and will ascend against the ruler of sovereigns, and will be broken without hand. Daniel 8] It was additionally said that the two-horned one will be one of the lords of Media and Persia : And the slam which thou sawest having two horns is the ruler of Media and Persia; and the wild goat is the lord of Greece; and the incredible horn that is between his eyes is the primary lord.

A portion of the translators of the Torah said that it is conceivable that he is Alexander the Incomparable , while Alexander is referenced in the Principal Book of Maccabees , however the book never endeavored to connect them. The Principal Book of Maccabees states : Alexander, child of Philip the Macedonian, in the wake of leaving the place that is known for Kittim and overcoming Darius, ruler of Persia and Media, reigned in his place, and he was quick to rule over Greece. Then he prompted many conflicts and vanquished numerous forts and killed the rulers of the earth. He passed to unimaginable lengths and ravaged a large number of countries, so the earth fell quiet before him, so his heart was lifted up and he was haughty. He accumulated an exceptionally impressive armed force. He held onto nations, countries and kings, and they brought him recognition. From that point forward, he lay on his bed and felt that he was passing on. So he called his extraordinary workers who had grown up with him since his childhood, and split his realm between them during his lifetime. Alexander ruled twelve years and afterward passed on.

15 Cyrus the Incomparable was additionally referenced in the Hebrew Scripture, like in the Book of Ezra, Section 1, the Book of Daniel, 6 , and the Book of Isaiah, Parts 44 and 45. The Book of Isaiah portrayed him as "the shepherd of the Master" and said in Section 45: "Accordingly says the Ruler to his blessed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held, to quell countries before him, and free the midsections of lords, to open before him the entryways, and the doors will not be closed. I will go before you and level the high places; I will separate the doors of bronze, and cut in pieces the bars of iron. I will provide you with the fortunes of dimness, and the secret fortunes of the mystery places, so you might realize that I am the Master who calls you by name; I have given you a title, however you don't have any acquaintance with me." In any case, there was no notice or association among him and Luqranaiim or the two-horned one.

The argument about the character of Dhul-Qarnayn

Primary article: Discussion over the character of Dhul-Qarnayn

There is conflict about the character of Dhul-Qarnayn by contrasting his character and verifiable figures. A few students of history generally contrast Dhul-Qarnayn with a few verifiable figures like Alexander the Incomparable , Cyrus the Incomparable , Sa'ab ibn Marathid, Ruler of Himyar , and even Akhenaten . A few Western and conventional Muslim researchers distinguish Alexander the Incomparable as Dhul-Qarnayn. While old Islamic sources allude to a pre-Islamic ruler of southern Arabia from the lords of Himyar and Yemen, Mawdudi will in general distinguish him as Cyrus the Incomparable .

Cyrus the Incomparable

A drawing of Cyrus the Incomparable holding a crown with two horns on his head.Some accept that the Dhul-Qarnayn referenced in the Qur'an is Cyrus the Incomparable . This was first recommended by the German philologist Redsholb in 1855, yet it neglected to acquire adherents among Western researchers, yet it was promoted by a few Indian, Pakistani, and Iranian researchers and observers like Abul Kalam Azad , Israr Ahmad , Abul A'la Maududi , and Jawad Ahmad Ghamdi , as referenced by Tabataba'i in his critique , Nasir Makarem Shirazi in his discourse , and the Ahmadi researcher Muhammad Ali . They accept that Cyrus was a monotheist, and they refer to Daniel 8, which specifies Dhul-Qarnayn as one of the rulers of Media and Persia : "The smash which you saw, having two horns, is the lord of Media and Persia." And the wild goat is the ruler of Greece, and the extraordinary horn that is between his eyes is the main ruler. As the book of Isaiah referred to him as "the shepherd of the Master" and said in part 45: "Consequently says the Ruler to his blessed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have held, to quell countries before him, and free the midsections of lords, to open before him the entryways, so the doors won't be closed. I will go before you and level the high places; I will separate the entryways of bronze, and cut in pieces the bars of iron. I will provide you with the fortunes of obscurity, and the secret fortunes of the mystery places, so you might realize that I am the Master who calls you by name; I have given you a title, however you don't have any acquaintance with me." The Jews loved Cyrus the Incomparable on the grounds that his triumph was the reason for the fall of the Babylonian realm and the freedom of the Offspring of Israel . The horns were a recognizable image of force in the realms of Mesopotamia . Cyrus' successes spread to Syria and Asia Minor in the west and to Sindh in the east, and his realm reached out to the Caucasus in the north. While rivals of this see that the character of Cyrus the Incomparable doesn't match the picture drawn by the Qur'an of Dhul-Qarnayn as a dependable, battling pioneer battling for God. Likewise, Cyrus was never called Dhul-Qarnayn, and Cyrus was a Zoroastrian as indicated by the landmarks and engravings tracing all the way back to his time. There is no proof of his monotheism. As per the popular Cyrus Chamber , which was composed by his request after his victory of Babylon and his freedom of the Jews, it is referenced that the central divine force of the antiquated Babylonians, Marduk, sent Cyrus to save them from the standard of the Babylonian lord Nabonidus .

In a fifteenth century European guide, there is an engraving that says that a Persian lord (called Artaxor) detained certain individuals in the place that is known for Gog and Magog. Ibn Nadim thought about Artaxerxest as the name of Kashtasp (a lord of the Kayani tradition).

Ben Maad

A few follows were accounted for from Ibn Abbas in regards to the heredity of Dhul-Qarnayn, as it was described from Ikrimah from Ibn Abbas, may God be satisfied with them both, who said : " Dhul-Qarnayn is Abdullah ibn al-Dahhak ibn Ma'add "

It was described on the power of Al-Zubayr that he said : " Dhul-Qarnayn is Abdullah ibn Al-Dahhak ibn Ma'add " This assertion is additionally ascribed to Ali ibn Abi Talib

A lord of Himyar

A few Islamic portrayals credited to the Partners and Supporters notice that Dhul-Qarnayn was one of the rulers of Himyar , and the Tubba'a lords of Himyar bore titles that started with the letter "Dhu, for example, Dhul-Nuwas al-Himyari , Ruler Saif ibn Dhi Yazan , Lord Dhul-Ra'in al-Himyari, Lord Amr Dhul-Ghamdan, Lord Amer Dhul-Riyash , Lord Ifriqis ibn Dhul-Manar , Sovereign Lamis ibn Dhul-Blemish', and numerous others.

They varied about his name, saying: he is Al-Sa'b container Mara'id, and he was the first of the Tubba'a , and he is the person who governed for Ibrahim in Bir al-Saba' . In a lesson by Qass container Sa'idah , he said: "O individuals of Iyad, where is Al-Sa'b Dhul-Qarnayn, the lord of the two skylines, who embarrassed the two weighty things, and resided for 2,000 years, then he resembled the flicker of an eye." It is described on the power of Ibn Abbas that he was gotten some information about Dhul-Qarnayn, what his identity was, and he said: " He is from Himyar, and he is Al-Sa'b canister Marathid, and he is the one for whom God laid out the earth and gave him a justification behind everything ." Ka'b al-Ahbar was gotten some information about Dhul-Qarnayn, and he said: " The right assessment among us from the information on our rabbis and predecessors is that he is from Himyar, and that he is Al-Sa'b ." Al-Maqrizi referenced that he goes by Al-Sa'b receptacle Marathid receptacle Al-Harith Al-Ra'ish canister Al-Hamal fi Sadd container Aad canister Manh container Aamer Al-Miltat container Sakasak canister Wa'il receptacle Himyar container Saba receptacle Yashjub canister Ya'rub receptacle Qahtan canister Hud . It was said: His name was Marzaba container Mardhaba, and Al-Daraqutni and Ibn Makula referenced that his name was Hermes. It was said: Hardis canister Faytun receptacle Rumi container Lanti container Kaslujin container Yunan receptacle Yafith receptacle Noah, and it was said: He is Afridun container Asfyan , who killed Ruler Promotion Dahhak . Abu Ja'far Al-Tabari said : "And Al-Khidr was in the times of Afridun, the ruler receptacle Promotion Dahhak, as per most of researchers of Individuals of the Book, and it was said: Moses canister Imran (harmony arrive both), and it was said: He was at the vanguard of Dhul-Qarnayn the More prominent, who was in the times of Abraham the Companion, and that Al-Khidr arrived at the Stream of Existence with Dhul-Qarnayn during his movements in the grounds, and he drank from its water, and neither Dhul-Qarnayn nor those with him had some awareness of it, so he became unfading and is alive among them as of not long ago, and others said that Dhul-Qarnayn who was in the hour of Abraham the Companion is Afridun container Promotion Dahhak, and Al-Khidr was at his vanguard, and this assessment is feeble."

Ibn Hisham additionally referenced this proclamation (without being sure of it) that he was one of the lords of the Himyarite Tubba'a in his book Al-Tijan , and Abu Rayhan Al-Biruni in his book Al-Athar Al-Baqiyah 'an Al-Qurun Al-Khaliyah , and Nashwan Al-Himyari affirmed this articulation in his books "Hoaxes Al-Ulum" and the book "Khulasat Al-Diviner Al-Jami'ah Li Aja'ib Akhbar Al-Muluk Al-Tubba'a", and a portion of the sonnets of the Himyarites referenced their flaunting about their granddad Dhul-Qarnayn.

Various antiquarians have denied these proclamations, and they have expressed that the sonnets that notice Dhul-Qarnayn and that he was from Himyar are not credited, and may have been composed after Islam , and that the report about the lords of Himyar is more similar to created stories and there is serious areas of strength for no for them.


Hamdi canister Hamza Abu Zaid, an individual from the Saudi Shura Board, has faith in his book, "Unwinding the Mysteries of Dhul-Qarnayn, Gog and Magog" , that Dhul-Qarnayn is, as a matter of fact, Akhenaten, that Egyptian ruler who called for monotheism.

Dhul-Qarnayn was a most loved subject of essayists and literati. One Arabic and Persian rendition of 1,000 and One Evenings recounts the narrative of Alexander's experience with Indian sages , whose main belongings were digging graves at the doorsteps of their homes; their ruler made sense of that they did so on the grounds that the main sureness in life was passing. The Sufi artist Jalal promotion Racket Rumi additionally portrayed Dhul-Qarnayn's eastern excursion in one of his works.

An awe-inspiring written in Malay called The Stories of Alexander the Incomparable depicts the made up exploits of Alexander the Incomparable, who is accepted to be a similar individual. The legendary cases that Alexander the Incomparable was an extraordinary ruler who straightforwardly controlled the Minangkabau realms in Sumatra , Indonesia . He was the progenitor of Sumatran lords, for example, Raja Rajendra Chola referenced in the Malay verifiable records .

Burial place of Dhul-Qarnayn in Abha

The burial place ascribed to Dhul-Qarnayn in Abha.

Al-Hamdani referenced in his book Sifat al-Jazirah the presence of the grave of Dhul-Qarnayn in the city of Abha , saying: " It is Abha and in it is the grave of Dhul-Qarnayn, it is said, which was found toward the start of 300 years after the Hijra, " [ there is a mosque close to the grave in an exceptionally old style that is credited to him.

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Abi Al-Qasim Abdul Rahman bin Abdul (January 1, 2009). Al-Rawd Al-Anf in the Interpretation of the Prophetic Biography by Ibn Hisham 1-4 Vol. 2. Dar Al-Kotob Al-Ilmiyah. Archived from the original on March 21, 2020.

Abdul Rahman bin Muhammad bin (June 14, 2016). Introduction to Ibn Khaldun. Dar Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam - Beirut/Lebanon. ISBN: 978-9953-442-99-0. Archived from the original on 2020-03-21

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Unwinding the insider facts of Dhul-Qarnayn, Gog and Magog , Hamdi receptacle Hamza Abu Zaid .

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Tuesday, January 14, 2025

the Jews asked the prophet some questions and were answered at surah 17, 18″


the Jews asked the prophet some questions and were answered at surah 17, 18″

إِذْ أَوَى الْفِتْيَةُ إِلَى الْكَهْفِ فَقَالُوا رَبَّنَا آتِنَا مِن لَّدُنكَ رَحْمَةً وَهَيِّئْ لَنَا مِنْ أَمْرِنَا رَشَدًا (10

Surah 18 verse 10

0 [Mention] when the youths retreated to the cave and said, "Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us from our affair right guidance."

When the young men took refuge in the cave and said, “Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and facilitate for us from our affair right guidance.” (10)

The assertion in the understanding of the All-powerful's expression: When the young fellows took shelter in the cavern and said, "Our Master, award us from Yourself leniency and plan for us from our undertaking right direction." (10)

The All-powerful tells His Prophet Muhammad, may God favor him and award him harmony: "Or do you imagine that Individuals of the Cavern and the Engraving were among Our wondrous signs?" When the young fellows, Individuals of the Cavern, took asylum in the mountain cave, escaping with their religion to God, and they said when they took shelter: "Our Master, award us from Yourself leniency," out of their craving for their Ruler to give them benevolence from Him. Also, His maxim, "And plan for us from our undertaking right direction" (Rashdan) He says: And they said: Make simple for us what we want and what we look for of Your pleasure and getaway from skepticism in You, and from the love of icons to which our kin call us, (Rashdan) He expresses: Accuracy in living life to the fullest.

Individuals of information varied with respect to the justification behind the destiny of these young fellows in the cavern referenced by Allah in His Book. Some of them said: The justification behind that was that they were Muslims following the religion of Jesus, and they had a lord who revered icons, who called them to venerate symbols, so they escaped with their religion from him for dread that he would entice them from their religion, or kill them, so they stowed away from him in the cavern.

* Notice of who said that:

Ibn Hamid told us, he said: Al-Hakam container Bashir told us, he said: Amr told us with respect to his assertion: The colleagues of the cavern and the engraving, the young people were on the religion of Jesus, on Islam, and their ruler was a skeptic, and he brought out for them a symbol, yet they denied, and said: Our Master is the Master of the sky and the earth. Never will we call upon any god other than Him. We would have absolutely said then something crazy. He said: So they isolated from their kin to revere God, and one of them said: My dad had a cavern where he protected his sheep, so let us proceed to remain in it, and they entered it, and they were lost around then and were looked for, and it was said: They entered this cavern, and their kin said: We don't need for them a discipline or torture more serious than to top off this cavern over them, so they developed it over them and afterward filled it, then God He sent a ruler to them who followed the religion of Jesus, and he raised the structure that had been obliterated over them. So some of them told each other: How long have you been here? They said, "We have stayed a day or part of a day until we arrive where you send one of you with this silver of yours to the city." Silver around then was exceptionally huge, so they sent one of them to bring them food and drink. At the point when he went to leave, he saw something at the entryway of the cavern that he could have done without, so he needed to return. Then he happened until he entered the city, and he could have done without what he saw. Then he took out a dirham, and they took a gander at it and could have done without it, and they could have done without the dirham, and they said, "Where did you get this from? This is from the silver of some other time." They assembled around him and asked him, and they didn't stop until they took him to their lord. Their kin had a tablet on which they would compose what might occur, so they took a gander at that tablet, and the ruler asked him, and he educated him regarding what is going on. They took a gander at the book when it was lost, and they were content with him and his mates. It was shared with him, "Let us proceed to show us your colleagues." So he went. They set out with him to show them. He entered before individuals and struck their ears. The individuals who had beaten their illicit relationship said: We will definitely construct a mosque over them.

Ibn Hamid told us: Salamah told us, on the power of Ibn Ishaq, who said: The undertaking of individuals of the Gospel was befuddled, and sins became perfect among them, and lords became self-important among them, until they venerated symbols and forfeited to dictators. There were still leftovers among them who followed the order of Jesus, child of Mary, sticking to the love of God and His Unity. Among their rulers who did that was a lord from the Romans called Decius. He had adored icons, forfeited to despots, and killed whoever went against him in that from among the people who stuck to the religion of Jesus, child of Mary. He would plummet to the towns of the Romans, and he wouldn't leave in any town where he settled any individual who followed the religion of Jesus, child of Mary, then again, actually he would kill him, until he loved symbols and forfeited to dictators, until Decius dropped to the city of the adolescents, Individuals of the Cavern. At the point when Decius dropped, that was a real, extraordinary weight on individuals, so they stowed away from him and escaped toward each path. At the point when Decius showed up, he requested that individuals of confidence ought to be followed and assembled for him. He took police from the unbelievers among individuals of the city, and they started to follow individuals of confidence in the spots where they stowed away, and they brought them out to Decius. He carried them to the social affairs where penances were made for the dictators, and he gave them the decision among killing and loving symbols and forfeiting for the despots. Some of them wanted life and were frightened by killing, so they were enticed. Furthermore, among them were the people who would not revere other than God, so they were killed. At the point when the unflinching individuals of confidence in God saw that, they started to give themselves over to torture and killing, so they were killed and cut up, then, at that point, the bits of their bodies that had been cut up were restricted and held tight the city wall from all sides, and on each door of it, until the preliminary became perfect for individuals of confidence. Some of them questioned and were let be, and some of them were executed for their religion and were killed. At the point when the young fellows of the cavern saw that, they were profoundly disheartened, until their tones changed and their bodies turned out to be dainty. They looked for help through petition, fasting, noble cause, commending God, lauding God, announcing His unity, pronouncing His significance, crying, and asking to God. They were youthful, free men from the children of the Roman aristocrats.

Ibn Hamid told us: Salamah told us, on the power of Ibn Ishaq, on the power of Abdullah receptacle Abi Nujayh, on the power of Mujahid, who said: I was informed that some of them had teeth as white as paper as a result of their young age. Ibn Abbas said: They resembled that in the love of God constantly, crying to God and looking for His assistance. They were eight men: Maksalmina, who was the oldest of them, and he was the person who addressed the ruler for their benefit, and Muhsimilinina, and Yamlikha, and Martus, and Kashutosh, and Berunus, and Dinmus, and Yatunus Qalus (5).When Decius chose to accumulate individuals of the city to venerate symbols and penance to dictators, they shouted out to God and implored Him, and started to say: O God, Master of the sky and the earth, we won't call upon any god other than You. We would have said a shock. Eliminate this hardship from Your trusting workers and repulse the catastrophe from them and offer blessing to Your workers who put stock in You and were kept from loving You besides covertly, disguising that, so they might adore You straightforwardly. While they were doing that, their chiefs among the heathens, who used to assemble individuals of the city to adore icons and penance to despots, remembered them and referenced their matter. They had been distant from everyone else in their request place, loving God there and imploring Him, and hoping to be referenced to Decius. So those unbelievers set out until they entered their request spot, and found them prostrating on their faces, imploring, sobbing, and requesting that God save them from… Decius and his subversion. When those heathens saw them from their chiefs, they told them: What kept you from the ruler's order? Go to him! Then, at that point, they passed on them and carried their make a difference to Decius, and said: individuals are social occasion to forfeit to your divine beings, and these are young fellows from your family, who mock you, disparage you, resist your order, and forsake your divine beings. They go to a request place for themselves and for the friends of Jesus, child of Mary, to ask in it and ask to their god and the lord of Jesus and the partners of Jesus. For what reason did you not let them do this while they are amidst your sultanate and realm, and they are eight men, their chief is Maksalmina, and they are the children of the city's aristocrats? At the point when they expressed that to Decius, he sent for themselves and brought them from the request place where they were, their eyes spilling over with tears and their appearances

canvassed in dust. He shared with them: What kept you from seeing the penance to our divine beings that are venerated on the planet, and from making yourselves a model for the heads of your city and for we who are available? Look over me: either penance to our divine beings as individuals have forfeited, or I will kill you! Then Maksalmina said: We have a divine being whom we love, whose significance fills the sky and the earth. We won't ever call upon any god other than Him, and we won't ever recognize this to which you call us. Rather, we love God, our Ruler, to Him be commendation, glorification, and praise from our spirits, simply until the end of time. Him we love, and to Him we request salvation and goodness. Concerning the dictators and their love, we won't ever recognize them, and we are not admirers of the demons, nor do we make ourselves and our bodies their slaves, after God has directed us to Him, out of dread of you, or out of dread of your love. Do with us what you see fit. Then, at that point, the mates of Maxulimina told Decius equivalent to he said. He said: When they expressed that to him, he requested them of their chiefs, then, at that point, he expressed: Concerning you doing what you did, I will postpone you from being among individuals of my realm and my company, and individuals of my nation, and I will be free for you, and I will satisfy for you what I guaranteed you of discipline. What keeps me from hurrying that for you is that I consider you to be young fellows, and I could do without to obliterate you until I have had some time with you, and I will make for you a term in which you will recollect and survey your brains. Then, at that point, he requested the adornments that were on them of gold and silver to be eliminated from them, then he requested them to be taken out from him. What's more, Decius set off rather to a city other than their own, which they were in, near it, for a portion of his business.

At the point when the young fellows saw that Decius had left their city, they hurried his appearance, and that's what they expected assuming he came to their city, they would be recalled. So they schemed among themselves that every single one of them ought to take an arrangement from his dad's home, give it in cause, and take arrangements with what stayed, then, at that point, go to a cavern close to the city in a mountain called Panjalus, and remain there and love God until Decius returned. They would come to him and stand before him, and he would do with them anything he desired. At the point when some of them expressed that to other people, every young fellow took an arrangement from his dad's home, gave it in foundation, and they set out with what survived from their arrangement, and their canine followed them until they arrived at that cavern in that mountain. They remained in it, sitting idle yet supplicating, fasting, celebrating, commending, and praising God, looking for the essence of God All-powerful and the existence that could go on and on forever. They relegated their arrangement to a young fellow among them called Yamlikha, who was responsible for their food, purchasing their arrangements from the city furtively from its kin. Furthermore, he was the most attractive and fearless of them, so Yamlikha used to do that, so when he entered the city, he would get into the garments that were decent on him, and take garments like the garments of poor people who were eating there, then he would take his paper, and go to the city and get them food and drink, and tune in and spy on them, whether he and his sidekicks were referenced in anything in the city, then, at that point, he would get back to his buddies with their food and drink, and let them know what he heard from the insight about individuals, so they remained like that for quite a while, then, at that point, the despot Decius came to the city from which he had left for his city, which was the city of Afmus, and he requested the aristocrats of its kin to butcher for the dictators, so individuals of confidence were scared by that, so they concealed in each concealing spot, and Yamlikha was in the city purchasing his mates their food and drink with a portion of their costs, so he got back to his colleagues while he was crying and with him a little food, and he let them know that the dictator Decius had entered the city, and that they had been referenced and missed and looked for with the aristocrats of the city to butcher for the dictators When he let them know this, they were frightfully terrified, and fell prostrate on their countenances, calling upon God, imploring Him, and looking for shelter in Him from the preliminary. Then Yamlikha shared with them: O my siblings, raise your heads, and eat from this food that I have brought you, and confidence in your Master. So they raised their heads, and their eyes were spilling over with detaches from mindfulness and dread for themselves, and they ate from it, and that was at nightfall. Then, at that point, they sat talking and contemplating, and helping each other to remember the news with trouble on their part, dreading what their friend had brought them. While they were in that state, God struck their ears in the cavern for various years, and their canine loosened up his arms at the entryway of the cavern, and what struck them came to pass for them while they were devotees, certain, having faith in the commitment, and their costs were set with them. At the point when the following day came, Decius missed them, and he searched for them however didn't track down them, so he told the heads of the city: The circumstance of these young fellows who They went, they felt that I was furious with them for what they did toward the start of their undertaking, in light of their obliviousness of what they were uninformed about my issue. I wouldn't be oblivious to them in myself, and I wouldn't consider any of them responsible for anything assuming they apologized and adored my divine beings. In the event that they did, I would let them be, and I wouldn't rebuff them for anything they had done previously. Then the extraordinary men of the city shared with him: You are not deserving of showing kindness toward a mischievous, rebellious, group are devilish, defiant, and insubordinate, and who endure in their treachery and noncompliance. You have given them a term and postponed the discipline that you incurred for other people. Assuming they had needed, they would have returned at that term, however they didn't apologize, nor did they halt, nor did they lament what they had done. Since you set out, they have been wasting their abundance in the city. At the point when they learned of your appearance, they escaped and were not seen once more. Assuming you wish to bring them, ship off their dads and test them, and be severe with them so they might lead you to them, for they are stowing away from you. At the point when they expressed that to the powerful Decius, he ended up being extremely irate. Then he sent for their dads, and they were brought to him. He got some information about them and said: Enlighten me concerning your defiant children who ignored my order and deserted my divine beings. Carry them to me and illuminate me regarding their whereabouts. Their dads shared with him:As for us, we didn't ignore your order nor did we go against you. We loved your divine beings and forfeited to them, so for what reason did you kill us among a defiant group who took our cash and wasted it and obliterated it in the business sectors of the city? Then, at that point, they set out and got over a mountain called Panjalus, among it and the city is a far off land, escaping from you. At the point when that's what they said, he let them go and started to ponder how to manage the young fellows. Then God All-powerful cast into his spirit that he ought to arrange the cavern to be shut on them as a distinction from God. He needed to respect them and honor the collections of the young fellows, so that nothing would meander or circle around them. He needed to restore them and make them a sign for a country that would succeed them, and to show them that the Hour is coming, there is not even a shadow of a doubt, and that God will revive those in the graves. Then Decius requested the cavern to be shut on them, and he said: Leave these defiant young people who have deserted my divine beings, let them kick the bucket as they are in the cavern, parched and hungry, and let their cavern which they decided for themselves be their grave. So the foe of God did that to them, and he believed that they were conscious and realized what planned to happen to them, however God had taken their spirits in a rest, and their canine was loosening up his arms at the entryway of the cavern, and God took care of him with what covered them, going them to the right and to the left. Then two accepting men were in the place of Lord Decius who were hiding their confidence: the name of one of them was Pedros, and the name of the other was Ronas. So they chose to record the undertaking of the young people of the cavern, their genealogies and their names and the names of their dads, and the tale of their story on two lead tablets, then make a casket for it from copper, then put the two tablets in it, then compose on it at the opening of the cavern between the structures, and seal the final resting place with their seal, and they said: Maybe God will These adolescents will be shown a gathering of devotees before the Day of Revival, and whoever is opened to them will know when he peruses this book their story. So they did and afterward based upon it in the structure, so Decius and his age who were from them stayed as long as God willed them to stay, then, at that point, Decius and the age who were with him died, and numerous ages after him, and replacements came after replacements.

Al-Qasim described: Al-Husayn described: Hajjaj described: Ibn Jurayj described: Abdullah ibn Kathir described: Mujahid said: Individuals of the Cavern were the children of the aristocrats of their city and individuals of honor. They went out and accumulated behind the city without an arrangement. A man among them, who was simply the most seasoned, said: I find something that I don't think any other person finds. They said: What do you find? He said: I find in myself that my Master is the Ruler of the sky and the earth. They said: We track down it. So they generally stood up and said: Our Master is the Ruler of the sky and the earth. We won't ever summon other than Him any god. We would have absolutely said something preposterous then, at that point. So they assembled to enter the cavern, and over their city around then was a dictator called Daqinus. They stayed in the cavern for 300 years and nine more.

Ibn Humayd described: Salamah described on the power of Abdul Aziz container Abi Rawad on the power of Abdullah receptacle Ubayd canister Umair, who said: Individuals of the Cavern were youthful rulers, with restraints and forelocks, and they had their hunting canine with them. They went out on an extraordinary celebration of theirs in delicacy and parade, and they carried out with them their divine beings that they loved. God cast confidence into the hearts of the young fellows, so they accepted. Every last one of them concealed his confidence from his buddy, so they told themselves, without uncovering their confidence to each other: We will leave these individuals so we won't be rebuffed for their wrongdoing. A young fellow from among them went out until he arrived at the shade of a tree and sat in it. Then, at that point, one more emerged and saw him sitting alone, trusting that he would be experiencing the same thing without uncovering it, so he came and sat close to him. Then the others went out, and they came and sat close to them, and they assembled. Some of them said: What united you? One more said: Rather, what united you? Furthermore, each hid his confidence from his ally inspired by a paranoid fear of himself. Then they said: Let two young fellows from among you go out and be distant from everyone else, and promise not to uncover anything to the next, then every last one of them reveals his issue to the next, for we trust that we will be on a similar matter. So two young fellows from among them went out and vowed themselves, then, at that point, they talked, and every last one of them referenced his undertaking to the next, so they accompanied great greetings to their colleagues, having settled on one matter, and see, they were all on the confidence, and see, there was a cavern in the mountain close to them, so some of them said to the next: Come to the cavern, and your Master will fan out for you from His kindness and will plan for you from your matter an exit plan. So they entered the cavern, and with them was their hunting canine, and they rested, and God made it a solitary rest for them, so they dozed for 300 years and nine more. He said: And their kin missed them and looked for them. Furthermore, they sent the hail, and Allah dazed their follows and their cavern. At the point when they couldn't find them, they composed their names and genealogies on a tablet: This and that, child of this and that, thus, child of this and that, children of our lords. We lost them on such-and-such an occasion, in such-and-such a month, in such-and-such a year, in the realm of this and that, child of this and that. What's more, they set the tablet up in the depository, and that ruler kicked the bucket and a Muslim lord beat them alongside the Muslims. Then, at that point, came many hundreds of years, and they stayed in their cavern for 300 years and expanded by nine.

Furthermore, others said: Rather, their destiny was to go to the cavern to get away from the quest for a ruler who looked for them as a result of a case of a wrongdoing that he guaranteed against a companion of theirs that he had carried out.

It was referenced by the people who said that:

* Yet again al Hasan receptacle Yahya told us: Abd al-Razzaq told us: Muammar told us: Ismail canister Sharous let me know that he heard Wahb container Munabbih say: The pupil of Jesus, child of Mary, came to the city of Individuals of the Cavern, and needed to enter it, however he was told: There is a symbol at its entryway, and nobody enters it but to prostrate to it, so he was hesitant to enter it, so he went to a bathhouse, and he was in it close to that city, and he worked in it, recruiting himself out to the proprietor of the bathhouse, and the proprietor of the bathhouse saw the gift in his bathhouse and it brought him food, so he started to introduce Islam to him, and he started to send him messages, and young fellows from individuals of the city hung up on him, and he started to let them know fresh insight about the sky and the earth and fresh insight about existence in the wake of death, until they put stock in him and trusted him, and they were in a similar state as him in great appearance, and he specified to the proprietor of the bathhouse that the night is mine and doesn't divide me and the request when it comes, so he stayed like that until the child of the ruler accompanied a lady, and he entered the bathhouse with her, so the follower offended him, and said: You are the child of the lord, and this hopeless lady enters with you, so he felt embarrassed, so he proceeded to return, he said exactly the same thing to him, so he reviled him and reproached him and didn't focus until he entered and the lady entered with him, and the two of them kicked the bucket in the shower. Then the lord was brought and it was told him: The proprietor of the shower murdered your child, so he was looked for, yet he was unable to find him since he got away. He said: Who was his sidekick? So they named the young fellows, and they were looked for, and they left the city, and they passed by a companion of theirs in his homestead, and he was experiencing the same thing as them, and they referenced that they were looked for, so the canine went with them, until night happened upon them at the cavern, so they entered it, and they said: We will go through the night here, then, at that point, in the first part of the day, God willing, we will see your thought process, so he beat their ears, and the ruler went out with his friends following them until they found them entering the cavern, and at whatever point a man needed to enter, he was panicked, so nobody could enter it, so somebody said: Assuming you had the option to overwhelm them, could you not have killed them? He said: Yes. He said: Then, at that point, fabricate a way to the cavern over them, and pass on them in it to pass on from thirst and yearning, so he did.
