Jews entered Islam
The hadeeth of Anas in which a Jewish kid was sick and the Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allaah arrive) came to him and got back to him, and he sat at his head and shared with him: Aslam. He saw his dad while he was with him and told him: Submit to Abu al-Qasim (harmony and gifts of Allaah arrive), and he became Muslim. The Prophet (harmony and gifts of Allaah arrive) went out and said: Recognition be to Allaah who saved him from the fire} [Bukhari, Ahmad, Abu Dawood and Abu Ya'li].
The story of Safiya bint Hayy bin Akhtab Al-Nadriah - may God be pleased with her

It would have been that when the Courier of Allah (harmony and favors of Allaah arrive) emptied the Jews of Banu al-Nadir from Medina - as referenced above - their everyday citizens went to Khaybar, and among them were Hayy receptacle Akhtab and the children of Abi al-Haqiq, and they were of riches and distinction in their kin, and Safiyyah was then a kid under pubescence, then when she qualified for marriage, a portion of her cousins wedded her. Paradise had fallen into her lap, and she told her vision to her cousin, and he smacked her face and said, "Do you wish the ruler of Yathrib to turn into your hubby?" It was just the Courier of Allaah (harmony and gifts of Allaah arrive) who came and blockaded them, so Safiyyah was among the prisoners, and her significant other was among the dead. At the point when the Courier of Allah (harmony and endowments of Allaah arrive) chose her, and she became in his control and ownership, as he would come and worked with her after she was endlessly broken down, he tracked down a hint of that blow on her cheek, and he asked her: "What is her undertaking?" She referenced to him what she had seen from that noble vision, may Allah be satisfied with her and satisfy him.

It was portrayed that Anas ibn Maalik said: The Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allaah arrive) implored in the first part of the day close to Khaybar with a donkey and afterward said: "Allah is the Best, Khaybar is destroyed, however in the event that we go down to the patio of individuals of the morning of the Mundhirin." So they went out looking for in the rails, and the Prophet (harmony and gifts of Allaah arrive) killed the female contender and oppressed the posterity, and there was Safiyyah in imprisonment, so she became to Dahiya al-Kalbi, and afterward she became to the Prophet (harmony and favors of Allaah arrive), and he made her liberation her kinship. It was additionally described by Muslim from the hadeeth of Hammad ibn Zayd - and he has ways - from Anas.
'Abd al-'Azeez ibn Suhaib said: I heard Anas ibn Maalik say: The Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allaah arrive) oppressed Safiyyah, so he liberated her and wedded her. He said: I trust her herself, so I discharge her, and al-Bukhaari singled him out from this face.
Anas ibn Maalik said: We presented Khaybar and when Allaah opened the fort for him, Jamal Safiyyah bint Hayy ibn Akhtab referenced to him, and her significant other was killed, and she was a lady, so the Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allaah arrive) picked her for himself, [p. 292] and he went out with her until he arrived at the dam of the Sahba, and the Courier of Allaah (harmony and favors of Allaah arrive) fabricated it out, then he made a space in a little region, and afterward he told me: "Ears around you." Then, at that point, we went out to Madinah and I saw the Prophet (harmony and endowments of Allaah arrive) holding her behind him with a shroud, then he would sit at his eye and put his knee and Safiyyah would put her foot on his knee so she could ride on him without a Muslim.
Safiyya bint Huyayy (Arabic: Ṣafiyya bint Ḥuyayy) was a Jewish proselyte to Islam[1] from the Banu Nadir clan. After the Skirmish of Khaybar in 628, she was bereaved and kidnapped by the early Muslims and in this manner turned into Muhammad's 10th wife.[2] Like any remaining ladies who were hitched to Muhammad, Safiyya was referred to Muslims as a "Mother of the Believers".[3] Their marriage created no youngsters and finished with Muhammad's passing in Medina in 632.
Prior to wedding the Prophet, Safiyyah had been hitched two times. Her most memorable spouse was the Rabbi Sallam ibn Mishkim, and her second was Kenana ibn al-Rabi, a critical rival of the Prophet. The last option was oppressive toward Safiyyah; in the hadith, she related an occurrence where he struck her after she depicted a fantasy in which she saw the moon ascending over Khaybar and falling into her lap. He deciphered it as her wanting the Prophet.[4]
Early life
Safiyyah was brought into the world in Medina to Huyayy ibn Akhtab, the head of the Jewish clan Banu Nadir. Her mom, Barrah bint Samawal, was from the Banu Qurayza clan. Her maternal granddad was Samaw'al ibn 'Adiya, a commended pre-Islamic Middle Eastern Jewish writer from the Banu Harith tribe.[citation needed] As indicated by a source, she was offered to Sallam ibn Mishkam, who later separated from her.
At the point when the Banu Nadir were ousted from Medina in 625, her family got comfortable Khaybar, a desert spring 153 kilometers from Medina.[5] Her dad and sibling went from Khaybar to join the Meccan and Bedouin powers assaulting Muhammad in Medina during the Clash of the Channel. At the point when the Meccans pulled out, Muhammad assaulted the Banu Qurayza. After the loss of the Banu Qurayza in 627, Safiyya's dad, a long-term rival of Muhammad, was caught and executed by the Muslims
In 627 or mid 628, Safiyya was hitched to Kenana ibn al-Rabi, financier of the Banu Nadir; she was around 17 years of age at that time.[5] Muslim sources guaranteed that Safiyya is said to have educated Kenana regarding a fantasy she had in which the moon had tumbled from the sky into her lap. Kenana deciphered it as a craving to wed Muhammad and struck her in the face, making an imprint which was as yet noticeable when she originally had contact with Muhammad.[3][7]
Skirmish of Khaybar
Principal article: Skirmish of Khaybar
In May 628, Muhammad and the Muslims attacked Khaybar, and a few Jewish clans (counting the Banu Nadir) were crushed and given up. A portion of the Jewish clans were permitted to stay in the city relying on the prerequisite that they give half of their yearly produce to the Muslims. The actual land became property of the Muslim state.[8] This settlement offer, as indicated by Stillman, didn't stretch out to the Banu Nadir clan, who were given no mercy.[9]
Safiyya's then-spouse, Kenana ibn al-Rabi, who was the overseer of the Banu Nadir's fortune, was called by Muhammad to uncover its area. In spite of Kenana's purported obliviousness, a Jew unveiled his constant presence around a specific ruin. Subsequently, Muhammad requested unearthings around there, uncovering a part of the fortune. At the point when interrogated concerning the excess abundance, Kenana wouldn't unveil. Muhammad then arranged Zubayr ibn al-Awwam to torment him with hot steel applied to his chest until he was practically dead. Muhammad accordingly took him to Muhammad ibn Maslama, who executed him in vengeance for his sibling Mahmud, who had been killed in the battle.[10][11][12][13]
Dihya al-Kalbi, one of Muhammad's mates, mentioned a slave from the prisoners, and Muhammad conceded him the decision. Dihya subsequently proceeded to take Safiyya. Seeing this, another sidekick informed Muhammad, featuring Safiyya's excellence and her status as the main fancy woman of Banu Qurayza and the Nadir. The buddy accepted she was fit exclusively for Muhammad, driving Muhammad to provide the request to call them.[14][15]
At the point when Safiyya was conveyed, she showed up with another lady. Defied with seeing the headless carcasses of the executed Banu Nadir men, the lady shouted out fiercely, smacked herself in the face, and poured sand on her head.[16][17] Muhammad requested that what he considered a "she-demon" be taken away.[18] He coordinated that Safiyyah be put behind him, with his shroud covering her, showing to the Muslims that He had picked her for himself, and advised Dihya to take some other slave young lady from the captives.[15] It was accounted for that Dihya got seven slaves in exchange.[19] Muhammad wedded Safiyya.[20][21]
Union with Muhammad
As indicated by Muhammad al-Bukhari, Muhammad remained for three days among Khaybar and Medina, where he fulfilled his union with Safiyya. His partners contemplated whether she was to be viewed as a slave or a spouse. The previous guessed that they would think about Safiyya as Muhammad's significant other, and in this manner a "Mother of the Devotees".
Muhammad encouraged Safiyya to change over completely to Islam, she acknowledged and consented to turned into Muhammad's wife.[22] Safiyya bore no kids to Muhammad.[23] The marriage confronted investigation from the partners. A were dubious of her expectations because of her experience. On one event, a worker erroneously blamed Safiyyah for keeping up with attaches with her Jewish family members improperly. She guarded herself, making sense of that she just maintained familial bonds, which is empowered in Islam.[24]
As to's Jewish drop, Muhammad once shared with his better half that assuming different ladies offended her for her Jewish legacy and were envious in view of her magnificence, she was to answer: "My dad (precursor) Harun (Aaron) was a prophet, my uncle (his sibling) Musa (Moses) was a prophet, and my significant other (Muhammad) is a prophet."[25]
Concerning fulfillment of their marriage and her 'idda (holding up period), a few valid hadith tended to this topic.[26]
Her marriage was invalidated after her significant other was killed and she was taken as a slave, which is not quite the same as the common instance of a separation or passing of a lady's better half. Along these lines, fulfillment depended on istibra' (affirmation of being liberated from pregnancy by means of menses) as opposed to 'idda.[26] Various valid hadith reports depict this:
A hadith credited to Ruwaifi' ibn Thabit al-Ansari reports:[27]
Would it be advisable for me I let you know what I heard the Courier of Allah (ﷺ
) say upon the arrival of Hunain: … it isn't legal for an in man Allah and the Last Day to engage in sexual relations with a hostage lady till she is liberated from a feminine course.
Sunnis will quite often see this as Hasan and have remembered it for Abu Dawud.
A hadith credited to Anas receptacle Malik reports:[28]
… the Prophet (ﷺ
) chose her for himself, and set out with her, and when we arrived at a spot called Sadd al-Sahba', Safiya became legitimate (for example clean from her menses) and the Courier of Allah went to her in marriage.
Sunnis will quite often see this as Sahih and have remembered it for Sahih Bukhari.
A hadith credited to Anas canister Malik reports:[29][30]
The Courier of Allah (ﷺ
) kept away from (closeness with) Safiyya till she was liberated from her feminine course.
After Muhammad's demise, she became associated with the power governmental issues of the early Muslim people group, and procured significant impact when of her death.[5] In 656, Safiyya favored caliph Uthman ibn Affan, and protected him at his last gathering with Ali, Aisha, and Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr. During the period when the caliph was blockaded at his home, Safiyya made a fruitless endeavor to contact him, and provided him with food and water through a board set between her residence and his.[5]
Safiyya passed on in 670 or 672, during the rule of Mu'awiya I, and was covered in the Jannat al-Baqi graveyard.[31] She left a domain of 100,000 dirhams in land and merchandise, 33% of which she granted to her sister's child, who followed Judaism. Her home in Medina was purchased by Muawiyya for 180,000 dirhams.[5]

Her fantasy was deciphered as a marvel, and her torment and notoriety for crying won her a spot in Sufi works. She is referenced in all significant books of hadith for relating a couple of customs and various occasions in her day to day existence act as legitimate precedents.[5]
See moreover
Spouses of Muhammad
Rayhanah bint Zayd, another Jewish lady who was Muhammad's courtesan or twelfth spouse
Mates of the Prophet
Rundown of non-Bedouin Sahabah
Jewish perspectives on Muhammad
Safiya (given name)
References and commentaries
Naveed, Sarmad (10 November 2023). "Safiyya bint Huyayy, the Jewish Mother, everything being equal". The Survey of Religions. Recovered 27 November 2024.
Safiyya bint Huyay, Fatima az-Zahra by Ahmad Thompson
Stowasser, Barbara. The Moms of the Professors in the Hadith. The Muslim World, Volume 82, Issue 1-2: 1-36.
"Safiyya bint Huyayy (ra): A Kind nature | The Firsts". Yaqeen Foundation for Islamic Exploration. Recovered 27 November 2024.
Vacca, V (1995). "Safiyya". In P. J. Bearman; Th. Bianquis; C. E. Bosworth; E. van Donzel; W. P. Heinrichs (eds.). Reference book of Islam. Vol. 8 (second ed.). Brill Scholastic Distributers. p. 817. ISBN 9004098348. ISSN 1573-3912.
Guillaume, A. The Existence of Muhammad: Interpretation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah.
"It is connected that she bore the sign of an injury upon her eye; when the Prophet (Harmony arrive) asked her softly the reason, she let him know that, being yet Kenāna's lady of the hour, she found in a fantasy as though the moon had tumbled from the sky into her lap; and that when she told it to Kenāna, he struck her brutally, getting out: 'Whatever is this thy dream however that thou covetest the new lord of the Ḥijāz, the Prophet, for thy spouse!' The characteristic of the blow was a similar which Moḥammad saw." cf. Muir (1912) pp. 378-379
Veccia Vaglieri, L. "Khaybar". In P.J. Bearman; Th. Bianquis; C.E. Bosworth; E. van Donzel; W.P. Heinrichs (eds.). Reference book of Islam On the web. Brill Scholastic Distributers. ISSN 1573-3912.
Stillman (1979) p. 18
Rodgers 2012, p. 200-1.
Rodinson 2021, p. 254.
Bukay 2017, Rundown of Muhammad's Requests to Murder Individuals.
al-Ṭabarī 1997, p. 117-122, Vol. 8.
Harvard Basic freedoms Diary. Vol. 11. Harvard Graduate school. 1998. p. 47.
Bukhārī 1997, p. 249, Vol. 1, no. 371.
al-Ṭabarī 1997, p. 122.
Zeitlin 2007, p. 136.
al-Ṭabarī 1997, p. 122, Vol. 8.
Ibn Mājah 2007, p. 298, Vol. 3, no. 2272.
Rodinson 1971, p. 254.
Muslim 2007, p. 58, Vol. 4, no. 1365.
Ibn Saad, al-Tabaqat, pp.120-123.
Peters, F. E., Muhammad and the Starting points of Islam, State College of New York Press, 1994, pp.179, ISBN 0-7914-1876-6. "At Medina he additionally wedded Umar's girl Hafsa, Rear, Zaynab girl of Jahsh, 16 Umm Salama, Juwayriyya, Ramla or Umm Habiba, Safiyya, and Maymuna. Not even one of them bore him youngsters, nonetheless, however he had a child, Ibrahim, by his Coptic mistress Maria. Ibrahim passed on a baby."
"Safiyya bint Huyayy (ra): An Endearing personality | The Firsts". Yaqeen Organization for Islamic Exploration. Recovered 27 November 2024.
W.M. Watt, "Ally to the Qur'an, in view of the Arberry interpretation", p. 237.
Cheema, Waqar Akbar (11 April 2020). "Two Issues Around Prophet Muhammad's Marriage With Safiyya bint Huyayy". http://ICRAA.org. Recovered 11 June 2024.
Al-Sijistani, Abu Dawud, al-Sunan, Hadith 2158; reviewed as hasan by al-Albani and Shu'aib al-Arna'ut
Al-Bukhari, al-Sahih, Hadith 2893, 4211, with al-'Asqalani, Ibn Hajar, Fath al-Bari, (Beirut: Dar al-Ma'rifa, 1379 AH) Vol.7, 480
السنة, جامع شروح. "جامع السنة وشروحها - الصفحة الرئيسية". جامع السنة وشروحها
. Recovered 11 June 2024.
al-San'ani, 'Abdul Razzaq, al-Musannaf, Hadith 12898, 13109; al-Baihaqi, Abu Bakr, Sunan al-Kubra, (Cairo: Markaz Hijr, 2011) Hadith 15688; al-Haithami, Nur al-Clamor, Bughyah al-Bahith 'a Zawa'id Musnad al-Harith, (Madina: Markaz Khidmat al-Sunnah, 1992) Hadith 502, 1005, with Ibn al-Turkamani, Abu al-Hasan, Al-Jawhar al-Naqi 'ala Sunan al-Baihaqi, (Beirut: Dar al-Fekr, n.d.) Vol.7, 450
Al-Shati', 1971, p. 181