Wednesday, January 1, 2025

A Prophet's Struggle: Challenges and Triumphs 4


A Prophet's Struggle: Challenges and Triumphs      

The initial opposition and resistance from the Quraysh tribe  ·  

The Hijra: The migration to Medina and its importance

It is known that the name Ahmad is a superlative form of the word “al-hamd” (praise), which means that which is praised more than others. The name Muhammad is an exaggerated form of the word “tahmid” (praise), which means that which others praise a lot. The name Mahmood is a passive form of the word “al-hamd” (praise). All three are names of the Prophetmay God bless him and grant him peace. He is the most virtuous of God’s creation, and he is the one whom God praised more than any of His messengers. Likewise, everyone who knows his virtue has praised and will praise him with right — may the best prayers and peace be upon him.

On page 86 of the same book it says: “John (16:29) says: ‘Until the last night Christ spoke to his disciples in parables, and promised that the Paraclete sent by God and who would come after him would interpret and explain his words and his true Gospel.’” The word Paraclete or Paraclete is ancient Greek and means helper, defender, supporter, and comforter.

The appearance of this word was of note when the Gospel of Barnabas was published, which was printed in Cairo twenty years ago. It was said that it contained clear good news of the appearance of the Arab prophet; therefore, the monks hid it for many generations!1That is why God Almighty spoke the truth when He revealed the sixth verse of Surat Al-SaffAnd when Jesus, the son of Mary, said, “O Children of Israel, indeed I am the Messenger of God to you, confirming what came before me of the Torah and bringing good tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name 

will be Ahmad.” But when he came to them with clear proofs, they said, “This is obvious magic .”

It is clear from the text of this noble and explicit verse that our Master Jesus, peace be upon him, was sent to the Children of Israel and no one else, and that he came confirming what came before him, which is the prophecy of Moses and the law of the Torah, and bringing good tidings of the message of Muhammadpeace and blessings be upon him, and his Qur’an. He is a link between the Children of Israel and Muhammad, the Seal of the Prophets, who was sent as a mercy to the worlds.

It is self-evident that Christ did not utter these words literally because they are Arabic, and he spoke in Hebrew. In addition to this, the words that Christ uttered have been lost, and all our reliance is on a Greek translation of the Gospel. The word Paraclete and Evadokia were mentioned, which means the name Ahmad, while the literal translation of the word Paraclete is - as we mentioned - the helper or the comforter, and the second indicates explicitly the meaning of praise through both the truth and the metaphor, and because the helper and the comforter deserve praise and commendation.

However, what supports the interpretation and indicates that the Paraclete is Muhammad, the Messenger of God, is the extrapolation of the attributes mentioned in the Gospel of John (14:6 and 16:7); they apply to the attributes of the Arab Prophet, and this opinion is supported by the fact that Christ addressed his disciples with symbols and parables; the description of the Paraclete stated that he would remain forever, and this is what is seen in Muhammad’s message and law, for he is certainly the Seal of the Prophets and no Messenger came and will come after him with a universal law, and he is described as teaching his nation everything, and Muhammad came with a complete religion and a perfect law, and clearer than this are the words of John (16:12-14) on the tongue of our Master Jesus himself: “I have yet many things to say to you, but you do not bear them or cannot endure them. When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you to the truth and show you to it; for he will not speak about himself, but he will glorify me.”

It is clear that the Spirit of Truth and the Paraclete are one person, and it is certain that this description does not apply to Christ or to him, because Christ did not guide to the whole truth, because his message was limited to reforming the Children of Israel. He was sent to them and no one else, and his actions and words were summarized in rebuking them, correcting their crookedness, and criticizing their faults. However, the message of the Comforter (the Paraclete) will lead to guiding the worlds to the truth, and it is a complete message, and the Qur’an is the only revealed book that contains a complete law, and the Comforter or the Paraclete will not speak by himself or about himself, but he will say what he hears and receives; that is, what is revealed to him. This is what is stated in the Torah (18:18) on the tongue of God - Glory be to Him - the Most High: “And I will put My words in his mouth.” This is the characteristic that was unique to Muhammadpeace and blessings be upon him, and that he would glorify Jesus, son of Mary. The Arab Prophet carried out this message in the best possible way, glorifying him, honoring him, and denying all the faults that his opponents attached to him and to his mother, the Lady Mary, the Truthful Virgin.

But Christians do not accept this interpretation and object to it by saying that the Comforter or Paraclete is described as “the Spirit of Truth,” and this description does not apply to a human person. However, this objection is refuted by the fact that Christ called him “the other Comforter,” as stated in John (14:16), foretelling that the Comforter will come in the form of a human being, just as Christ himself came. Moreover, all guides and leaders to the truth were human, and we cannot imagine a spirit that does not speak what is revealed to it or what it receives! This is supported by what is stated in the Torah that the coming guide will be like Moses, except that he speaks the words of God that He puts in his mouth. The Qur’an described Muhammadpeace and blessings be upon him, as the Truth, as stated in Surat Bani Israel (verse 81): “ And say, ‘The Truth has come, and falsehood has perished. Falsehood is bound to perish . ’”

The truth is one of the names that Judge Iyad mentioned for the Messenger, and what is good to point out is the statement of Ibn Ishaq: God sent Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to the worlds and all people together (sic). God had taken a covenant from every prophet before him to believe in him and confirm him and support those who opposed him and to deliver that to 

everyone who believed in them and confirmed them. Ibn Ishaq relied on Al-Subki in that.

I want to say that the belief of Muslims that the Paraclete is the Arab prophet is not as recent as comes to mind, especially after the publication of the Gospel of Barnabas twenty years ago in Egypt, but rather it is old. Al-Jalal al-Suyuti narrated that a Christian scholar from the Franks came to Egypt and said to the scholars: I have a doubt that if you remove it, I will convert to Islam. A council was held for him at Dar al-Hadith al-Kamiliyah (College of Hadith Sciences), and the head of the scholars at that time was Sheikh Izz al-Din bin Abd al-Salam. The Christian scholar said to him while the people were listening to the debate and had gathered for him from every corner: Which is better for you, that which is agreed upon or that which is disputed?! The Sheikh of Scholars said: That which is agreed upon, of course

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