The prophet and Jews
Khaybar battle “continued”
Crawl towards Khaybar
The Muslims blockaded the strongholds of Khaybar[36] prepared to battle the Jews, and they took their weapons and arranged their hardware for that, and the Courier of Allah needed to incite the excitement of his allies to defy their foes, and to animate in their spirits the penance and love of Allah and His Courier, and he said: "Let me give this pennant tomorrow to a man on whose hands Allah will open, who loves Allah and His Courier and whom Allah and His Courier love."
As per Ibn Ishaq, "He cherishes Allah and His Courier, Allah opens his hands, not by escaping." [38] The Prophet clarified for his mates two primary circumstances for getting triumph, God willing: love for God All-powerful and His Courier, and immovability in fight and not to assume responsibility for creeping. The Friends anticipated getting this honor, and every one of them wished it, as Imam al-Bukhari described in his Sahih: "When individuals turned into the Courier of Allah, every one of them expected to give it, and he said: 'Where is Ali receptacle Abi Talib?' He said: "O Courier of Allah, he whines about his eyes." He said, "And they sent unto him." So he brought him, and the Courier of Allah spat in his eyes and called for him, and he was recuperated." Then, at that point, gave him the standard, and prescribed him to welcome the Jews to Islam prior to striking and battling them, the call to God isn't just in that frame of mind of harmony, however might be and the Muslim in the core of the fight, the Muslim is a guest to God All-powerful prior to being a contender, and the call to God is the beginning, and direction is better compared to killing[The prophet Muhammad shared with him: "Execute your couriers until you slide in their yard, then, at that point, welcome them to Islam, and let them know what they should do from Allah's all in all correct to it, for Allah will direct you to one man is preferable for you over for you to have red blessings[40]." [41][42] The two gatherings met and the Muslims showed boldness and penance for Allah, which flabbergasted the Jews, and made them frantic to shield themselves and their strongholds. What's more, God opened on his Courier the main fortifications a delicate post, then, at that point, opened after him the fort of Al-Qumus, and afterward made the Prophet open the strongholds of Khaybar individually, and at whatever point he opened a fort escape the Jews to the following fort, until he wound up to the remainder of their forts: Al-Watih and Al-Salam, so he blockaded them harshly, regardless of whether they understood the obliteration and saw that the circle was on them, they requested that the Prophet infuse their blood and to walk them, and he did. Then, at that point, they requested that he keep them developing the place where there is Khaybar in return for half of what emerged from its organic products, and he gave them that,[43] given that he would take them out at whatever point he wanted,[44] and the Prophet had gained all the cash: the Shaq, Nata, the contingent, and every one of their posts. [45] Duels were held during the battling
. There are many, in which the Muslims showed extraordinary mental fortitude and boldness, and the triumph was the partner of the Muslims, and the Jews saw among them what shook them and tossed shortcoming into their souls.
Prior to the fight
The friends showed up in Khaybar, and the Prophet started to concentrate on the circumstance, from which fortifications does Khaybar enter? Five of these strongholds are in one region, three in another, and the initial five posts are the primary vital line of protection for the Jews, and they are separated into: three in a space called Al-Nata, and two in a space called Al-Shaq, while the posts of Al-Natah were in the accompanying request: Naam, then Al-Saab container Muadh, and afterward Al-Zubayr Palace. Naam was one of the solid posts in Khaybar, and the Prophet moved toward this stronghold and sent Ali receptacle Abi Talib to welcome them to Islam
The partners showed up in Khaybar, and the Prophet started to concentrate on the circumstance, from which fortifications does Khaybar enter? Five of these posts are in one region, three in another, and the initial five strongholds are the primary vital line of protection for the Jews, and they are separated into: three in a space called Al-Nata, and two in a space called Al-Shaq, while the strongholds of Al-Natah were in the accompanying request: Naam, then Al-Saab container Muadh, and afterward Al-Zubayr Palace. Naam was one of the solid strongholds in Khaybar, and the Prophet moved toward this post and sent Ali receptacle Abi Talib to welcome them to Islam
Yet, what happened was as a matter of fact an emergency, and there was a sort of quake among the Muslims, and the spirit of the Jews rose, and the Jewish pioneer stood up requesting to battle again after his resolve rose in these first snapshots of the battling, so the Islamic legend Ali container Abi Talib emerged to him conveying the pennant of the Muslims in the Skirmish of Khaybar, and a savage battle occurred between them, then, at that point, from God Ali receptacle Abi Talib triumph, as anticipated by the Prophet, and Ali canister Abi Talib was killed hi, and he was His killing is a major sign that the Muslims will have triumph ideally, on the grounds that this man was the most influential man in the Jews, and the Jews never envisioned that any of the Muslims would kill him. Marhab's sibling went out - and his name was Yasra and he needed to vindicate his sibling, and he was likewise one of the monsters of the Jews - requesting to battle, so Zubayr canister Al-Awam went out to him, and Al-Zubayr container Al-Awwam had the option to kill Yasra an inviting sibling, and that was the start of triumph for the Muslims
Battling seethes
[The gathering seethed between the Friends and the Jews, this gathering was not a little while, but rather it endured a few back to back days, and this is peculiar in the custom of battling; as we saw before that in Badr and in Uhud and in others, the gathering was one day, yet in this extraordinary gathering the fight occurred for over a day until the Jews penetrated from a delicate stronghold and left it void for the Muslims, and this invasion was around evening time, and they moved to the post behind it, and they blockaded themselves in the fort of Al-Saab container Muadh, and the Muslims involved a delicate stronghold, This was a significant expansion to the Islamic armed force in the Clash of Khaybar. The Prophet went to the post of Al-Saab, and the stronghold was seriously assaulted, and the fort of Al-Saab canister Muadh was more perilous and troublesome than the delicate fortification, and the Muslims fixed the attack on the fort of Al-Saab container Muadh.
Albeit the attack was extreme, and albeit the struggle of war was perfect, God needed to distress the devotees, so he got them in a troublesome matter close to the trouble of war, which is hunger, as the Muslims went into an exceptionally serious craving to the degree that the Friends said: We have tried sincerely and we don't have anything in our grasp, so the circumstance turned out to be exceptionally basic.
At the point when the Muslims turned out to be more eager, a portion of the Muslim armed force butchered some jackasses to eat. In all actuality the
Bedouins, he knows that there is no meat to cook with the army, and nothing to light a fire on, and they said, "O Messenger of Allah, we will light this fire on meat." And he said, What meat? And they said, The meat of the reds. It means red meat that is used in transportation, and these donkeys were not forbidden to Muslims until this moment, but the Prophet in this difficult situation rose up and forbade eating the meat of the native reds, and said: "Do not eat anything of the meat of the reds and burn it." [49] It is a really difficult situation, the Companions are in distress and extreme hunger, meat began to ripen and the smell of meat began to appear, and the Companions were eager to eat, and then the prohibition came from the Messenger of Allah. This prohibition is not obeyed by only a believer with full faith, and thanks to God, all the army - without exception - has succeeded in this test, and no one ate of this meat, but the Prophet did not only prohibit eating from the meat of the human reds, but he said: «Ahriqoha and break it», to disappear all trace of this meat, so he asked some of the companions: Or Nahriha and washed? I mean, instead of breaking, we wash the pots, and he said, "Or that." [50][51]
In light of this great crisis and after the response of the Companions to the command of the Prophet
, Muslims have full recourse to God, and this is one of the greatest benefits in crises, as sincere Muslims resort to God to open the doors of mercy for them. And the Muslims stood praying with the Prophet, he calls while they believe, and he said: "Oh God, you have known their condition and that they have no strength, and that I have nothing to give them, so open to them the greatest fortresses about them, and the most food and friendliness."
The fall of Al-Saab Fort and Zubair Fort
Thanks to the Muslims' recourse to God, victory came from heaven; the next day, God opened for them the fortress of Al-Saab bin Muadh, and this is one of the richest forts of Khaybar with food and drink, and the different colors of food. They found food and friendliness in it as called by the Messenger of God. The people ate, were satisfied and completed the war, and then they moved to the fortress of Al-Zubair Fort, which is the third fortress in the region; Zubair Stronghold is likewise perhaps of the most illegal post around here, and as the storytellers say: ponies and men can't make it happen, on the grounds that it is on top of a mountain and arriving at it is troublesome.
The Prophet forced an attack on him, and the attack stayed for three days, then, at that point, God tossed fear into the core of a Jewish man and he came and escaped the post, and came to the Prophet and requested wellbeing, and told him: O Abu al-Qasim, assuming you stay for a month, you will blockade them, they won't think often about you, they have drink and eyes under the ground, they go out around evening time and drink from it, and afterward they return to their palace without the Muslims feeling them. The Jew said, "On the off chance that you cut off their beverage against them, they will emerge to you, since they can't survive without water." So the Prophet arrived at these waters and cut them off from the Jews, so they went out to him and battled savagely, and the battling went on until the Muslims won and the Zubair Post was opened, and the battling was incredibly furious. [53]
Victory of Father's Palace
After the triumph of Al-Zubayr Palace, the Jews moved to the palace of Abu and sustained in it, and the Muslims forced an attack on them, and two legends of the Jews in a steady progression requested a duel, and they were killed by the Muslim legends, and the person who killed the subsequent fighter was the popular legend Abu Dujana Sammak canister Kharsha Al-Ansari, the proprietor of the red pack. After his homicide, Abu Dujana rushed to storm the bastion, and the Islamic armed force raged with him, and a severe battle occurred for an hour inside the post, then the Jews penetrated the palace, and transformed into the fort of Nizar, the last stronghold in the initial segment.
Triumph of Nizar Stronghold
This fort was the most inhibitory of the forts of this part, and the Jews were nearly 100% sure that the Muslims couldn't storm this palace, despite the fact that they gave a valiant effort along these lines, so they remained in this palace with the posterity and ladies, while they had cleared the past four palaces. The Muslims forced the most grounded attack on this post, and started to pressure them savagely, and in light of the fact that the stronghold is situated on a high secure mountain, they didn't figure out how to storm it. The Jews wouldn't even play with the possibility of leaving the fort and draw in the Muslim powers, yet they opposed the Muslims adamantly by tossing darts and tossing stones. Also, when
. At the point when the fort of Nizar evaded the Muslim powers, the Prophet requested the establishment of launch machines, and it appears to be that the Muslims tossed shells at it, causing surrenders in the walls of the post, and raged it, and unpleasant battling occurred inside the stronghold, before which the Jews were crushed in a heartbreaking loss, since they couldn't penetrate from this post as they invaded from different strongholds, however escaped from this fortress, leaving the Muslims with their ladies and relatives. After the kickoff of this secure stronghold, the initial segment of Khaybar was opened, which is the region of Al-Natah and Al-Shaq, and there were other little fortifications around here, yet the Jews, when this invulnerable post was opened, cleared these fortresses, and escaped to the second piece of the town of Khaybar.
Success of the final part of Khaybar
At the point when the Courier of Allah finished the victory of the area of Al-Natah and Al-Shaq, he went to individuals of the legion that had the fort of Al-Qumus: the fort of Bani Abi Al-Haqiq from Bani Al-Nadir, and the stronghold of Al-Watih and Al-Salam, and each elephant came to them that was crushed from Al-Natah and Al-Shaq, and these individuals were invigorated firmly. Individuals of Maghazi contrasted regardless of whether there was battling in any of its three fortifications. Ibn Ishaq's setting is unequivocal over battling to open the stronghold of al-Qumus, yet it is taken from its setting that this fort was opened by battling just without there being a discussion to give up. Concerning al-Waqidi, he completely expresses that the three palaces of this part were taken after exchange, and it is conceivable that the discussion occurred to get the stronghold of al-Qumus subsequent to leading the battling, and the other two posts were given over to the Muslims without battling. Anything that it was, when Muhammad arrived at this region of the legion, the most extreme attack was forced on its kin, and the attack endured fourteen days, and the Jews don't emerge from their strongholds, even they Muhammad to set up a sling on them, and when they understood the obliteration, they asked Muhammad for harmony.
What's more, Ibn Abi al-Haqiq shipped off Muhammad: Plummet and address you? He said: (OK), so he went down, and Saleh to infuse the blood of those in their fortifications from the warrior, and left The posterity left them, and they emerge from Khaybar and its property with their seeds, and they clear among Muhammad and what they had of cash and land, and on the yellow and white, for example gold, silver, grape plantations and rings, with the exception of a piece of clothing on the rear of a person,[57] Muhammad said: "And you were vindicated of the obligation of Allah and the edema of His Courier assuming you kept me quiet," so they accommodated him to that, and after this compromise, the fortresses were given over to the Muslims, and hence Khaybar was opened.
Killing my genuine child to break the pledge
Notwithstanding this deal, the two children of Abu al-Haqiq lost large chunk of change, a hardship in which he held cash and trimmings for Hayy ibn Akhtab, which he conveyed with him to Khaybar when I cleared al-Nadir. Ibn Ishaq said: And Muhammad accompanied the spring kinana, and he had the fortune of Bani al-Nadir, and he got some information about it, and he was shocked that he knew where it was, so a man from the Jews came and said: I saw Kinana drifting in this ruin consistently, and Muhammad shared with Kinana: (Do you check whether we find it with you, will I kill you?) He said: Indeed, and he requested the ruin, and I dug it, and he took out a portion of their fortune, and afterward asked him what was left, so he wouldn't perform it. He pushed him to Zubair, and said: Torment him until we destroy what he has, so Zubayr was tossing a trigger in his chest until he directed himself, then Muhammad pushed him to Muhammad canister Maslamah, so he hit his neck with Mahmoud receptacle Maslamah and Mahmoud was killed under a wall
The posterity left them, and they emerge from Khaybar and its property with their seeds, and they clear among Muhammad and what they had of cash and land, and on the yellow and white, for example gold, silver, grape plantations and rings, with the exception of a piece of clothing on the rear of a person,
Muhammad said: "And you were vindicated of the obligation of Allah and the edema of His Courier assuming you kept me quiet," so they accommodated him to that, and after this compromise, the fortresses were given over to the Muslims, and hence Khaybar was opened.
Killing my genuine child to break the pledge
Notwithstanding this deal, the two children of Abu al-Haqiq lost large chunk of change, a hardship in which he held cash and trimmings for Hayy ibn Akhtab, which he conveyed with him to Khaybar when I cleared al-Nadir. Ibn Ishaq said: And Muhammad accompanied the spring kinana, and he had the fortune of Bani al-Nadir, and he got some information about it, and he was shocked that he knew where it was, so a man from the Jews came and said: I saw Kinana drifting in this ruin consistently, and Muhammad shared with Kinana: (Do you check whether we find it with you, will I kill you?) He said: Indeed, and he requested the ruin, and I dug it, and he took out a portion of their fortune, and afterward asked him what was left, so he wouldn't perform it. He pushed him to Zubair, and said: Torment him until we destroy what he has, so Zubayr was tossing a trigger in his chest until he directed himself, then Muhammad pushed him to Muhammad canister Maslamah, so he hit his neck with Mahmoud receptacle Maslamah and
Mahmoud was killed under a The posterity left them, and they emerge from Khaybar and its property with their seeds, and they clear among Muhammad and what they had of cash and land, and on the yellow and white, for example gold, silver, grape plantations and rings, with the exception of a piece of clothing on the rear of a person,
Muhammad said: "And you were vindicated of the obligation of Allah and the edema of His Courier assuming you kept me quiet," so they accommodated him to that, and after this compromise, the fortresses were given over to the Muslims, and hence Khaybar was opened.
Killing my genuine child to break the pledge
Notwithstanding this deal, the two children of Abu al-Haqiq lost large chunk of change, a hardship in which he held cash and trimmings for Hayy ibn Akhtab, which he conveyed with him to Khaybar when I cleared al-Nadir. Ibn Ishaq said: And Muhammad accompanied the spring kinana, and he had the fortune of Bani al-Nadir, and he got some information about it, and he was shocked that he knew where it was, so a man from the Jews came and said: I saw Kinana drifting in this ruin consistently, and Muhammad shared with Kinana: (Do you check whether we find it with you, will I kill you?) He said: Indeed, and he requested the ruin, and I dug it, and he took out a portion of their fortune, and afterward asked him what was left, so he wouldn't perform it. He pushed him to Zubair, and said: Torment him until we destroy what he has, so Zubayr was tossing a trigger in his chest until he directed himself, then Muhammad pushed him to Muhammad canister Maslamah, so he hit his neck with Mahmoud receptacle Maslamah and Mahmoud was killed under a wall Khaybar, and what was described from Aisha said: When Khaybar opened, we said: Presently we are brimming with dates,[62]
At the point when the Prophet got back to Medina, the migrants got back to the Ansar their palm trees when they had cash and palm trees in Khaybar.
to be continued
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