Al-Aqsa Mosque 3
The first to fabricate it was Omar ibn al-Khattab during the Islamic success in the year 15 AH , after he counseled Kaab al-Ahbar about the spot to construct the mosque, and he proposed the area of the stone, however Omar declined and said: "Rather, we will make its qiblah its chest, similarly as the Courier of God, may God favor him and award him harmony, made the qiblah of our mosques our chests,". It was worked of wood, and could oblige around 1,000 admirers, then Caliph Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan redesigned it, so it could oblige around 3,000 admirers. At the point when the Crusaders assumed command over Jerusalem, they separated the Qibli Mosque into three segments: one was changed over into workplaces, one more into a home for the Knights Knight , and the third into a congregation . This stayed the case until the rule of Saladin, who reestablished the mosque in the year 538 AH , relating to 1187 Promotion, and afterward the rebuilding efforts went on during the period of the Mamluk state and the Ottoman state later. In the cutting edge period, after the Jewish control of Palestine , the Al-Qibli Mosque stayed under danger from the Jews , so they did removal works under a large portion of the southern mass of the mosque and under the groundworks of the Al-Qibli Mosque in general, which compromised its establishments. The Al-Qibli Mosque was likewise exposed to a pyro-crime assault on August 21, 1969 by Michael Dennis Rohn , and the platform of Nur al-Clamor Zangi was scorched , and the fire spread to incorporate the vast majority of the three eastern halls, notwithstanding its wooden rooftop.
In January 2007, Adnan al-Husseini, top of the Islamic Gifts Division and liable for the Saints' Detachments, expressed that another podium would be introduced; it was introduced in February 2007. The new platform was planned by Jamal Badran in view of a copy of the lectern of Saladin, and Badran dealt with it for a long time. The actual platform was underlying Jordan over a time of four years, utilizing old carpentry procedures, and utilizing stakes rather than nails to get it.
2 - Al-Marwani supplication lobby
Primary article: Marwani Mosque
Marwani supplication lobby in Al-Aqsa Mosque.
It is situated at the lower part of the southeastern corner of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and was referred to in old times as the "eastern settlement." The Umayyads fabricated it as a compositional settlement for the first slope of Jerusalem, which slanted toward the south, with the goal that development should be possible on its southern segment. The Marwani petition lobby comprises
The Marwani petition lobby comprises of 16 arcades , and its complete region is in excess of 4,000 square meters, which is the biggest shrouded region for supplication in Al-Aqsa Mosque. At the point when the Crusaders assumed command over Al-Aqsa Mosque, they changed over the Marwani petition corridor into horse corrals , and referred to it as "Solomon's Pens," a scriptural name concerning the Prophet Solomon . After the freedom of Al-Aqsa Mosque during the rule of Salah al-Racket al-Ayyubi , the Marwani supplication lobby was gotten back to its past use as a settlement and storage facility. It remained so until 1996 , when it was opened as a request lobby and was named around then the Marwani supplication corridor regarding Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan .
The justification behind opening it as a request lobby was the break of a mystery report separating the Al-Aqsa Mosque into what was underground for the Jews and what was over the ground for the Muslims in 1995. From that point forward, a few Islamic associations chose to begin dealing with opening the Marwani supplication corridor, so they began cleaning the spot, stretching out power to it and lighting it, then, at that point, tiling the request lobby . Egypt gave the request corridor's floor coverings, and a few entryways were opened to it. This work that was done was the reported justification behind Ariel Sharon's visit to the mosque on Thursday, September 28 , 2000 , which prompted the flare-up of the Al-Aqsa Intifada , which went on for quite a long time.
3 - The old Al-Aqsa petition corridor
Old Al-Aqsa Mosque.
This request corridor is situated under the Qibli Mosque, and is placed by means of a flight of stairs situated close to the center arcade on the northern side of the Qibli Mosque. It is a way comprising of two arcades pointing toward the south, worked by the Umayyads to be a regal access to Al-Aqsa Mosque from the Umayyad royal residences situated external the lines of Al-Aqsa from the southern side. At the northern entry, there is a little room that was utilized for watchmen, and there is a bigger room situated at the remaining parts of the twofold entryway at the southern access to the request corridor, which was likewise utilized for monitors. It contains a mihrab at its entry, and there is a profound well that is currently shut. Among the particular structural components in it are the presence of two level Umayyad vaults that stand over its southern entry, and at them are gigantic stone segments that structure the establishment on which the arch region of the Qibli Mosque stands. It was reestablished in 1927 with financing from Lord Farouk of Egypt . This request corridor was shut and possibly opened in instances of need until 1998 , when being a reasonable spot for prayer was cleaned and ready. It can oblige around 1,000 admirers.
4 - Vault of the Stone Mosque
A clasp from the Vault of the Stone Mosque .
Its vault is viewed as quite possibly of the most significant and unmistakable Islamic structural milestone, and the most seasoned Islamic structure that has for the most part safeguarded its shape and improvement. This arch was worked by Caliph Abdul Malik canister Marwan , who started constructing it in 66 AH relating to 685 Promotion , and completed it in 72 AH comparing to 691 Advertisement . Its development was regulated by the specialists Raja receptacle Haywa Al-Kindi , who was one of the notable supporters , and Yazid container Salam, a client of Abdul Malik canister Marwan . The Vault of the Stone is an octagonal structure with four entryways, and inside it is one more octagon upheld by tube shaped points of support and sections, inside it is a circle where is the "Blessed Rock" from which Muslims accept the Prophet Muhammad rose to paradise on the Isra and Mi'raj venture . This rock transcends the ground of the structure, and is sporadic in shape, with a measurement running somewhere in the range of 13 and 18 meters. There is a cavern called the "Cavern of the Spirits" under piece of it, bested by an opening. Over the stone in the center is a roundabout vault with a breadth of around 20 meters, plated outwardly with gold boards , 35 meters high, bested by a bow 5 meters high. A few scientists accept that its developers wanted to make it a vault for the whole Al-Aqsa Mosque.
5 - Al-Buraq Mosque
Al-Buraq Mosque.
It is situated in the southwestern piece of Al-Aqsa Mosque, and was named after where the Prophet Muhammad tied his mount Al-Buraq during his Isra and Mi'raj venture. It contains an Ottoman ring that is said to have been put where Al-Buraq was tied . The mosque additionally contains an Umayyad mihrab , and on its western side there was an old entryway called "Bab Al-Buraq" that was shut after the Umayyad time, which drove straightforwardly to Al-Buraq Square external Al-Aqsa Mosque, and slides to the Al-Buraq petition lobby as of now through the western hallway of Al-Aqsa on stone advances, which is opened each Friday for guests.
6 - Moroccans Mosque
It is situated in the southwestern corner of Al-Aqsa Mosque, south of the Buraq Wall. It has two entryways, one shut on the northern side, and the other open on the eastern side. Today it is utilized as a show lobby for the motivations behind the Islamic Gallery, which was moved from the Mansouri Ribat to this mosque in the year 1348 AH comparing to 1929. It has been said that the primary individual to assemble it was Salah al-Noise al-Ayyubi in the year 590 AH relating to 1193 , and petitions to God were acted in it as per the Maliki way of thinking .
7 - Ladies' Mosque
It is situated inside Al-Aqsa Mosque, and addresses its southwestern part, as it reaches out along its southern wall beginning from the western mass of the Qibli Mosque toward the western mass of the mosque. Today, it is partitioned into three segments: the first is the western area joined to the Islamic Historical center, the second is in the center and contains the principal Al-Aqsa Library, and the third is the eastern segment contiguous the Qibli Mosque, and is currently utilized as a stockroom. The Ladies' Mosque is a huge, open structure higher than the Qibli Mosque, and scientists accept that its development traces all the way back to the Crusader period, when it was worked as a congregation , and Saladin returned it to a request lobby assigned for ladies.
8-Bab Al Rahma Supplication Lobby
Bab al-Rahma supplication lobby from within
The Umayyads laid out Bab al-Rahma to be divided among the noteworthy mass of Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, and the request lobby was constructed neighboring it. From the Umayyad period until the Abbasid time, the request corridor stayed open. During their control of the city, the Franks intentionally opened the request corridor on Easter days. After the freedom of Jerusalem, the pioneer Salah in al-Ayyubi shut the common entryway between the wall and the mosque for the sake of security and reused the structure for supplication. It remained so during the Mamluk and Ottoman times. The spot was disregarded during the English occupation time frame, which was portrayed by limitations on admirers, yet it stayed open to them all through the English and Jordanian periods. With the appearance of the Israeli occupation in 1967, the request lobby was minimized, however it returned and resuscitated in 1992 when it turned into the central command of the Islamic Legacy Panel, which was prohibited in 2003. This action was the appearance utilized by the occupation to close the designated petition lobby. In 2018, an Israeli occupation police watch post was put over the request lobby, and in 2019, the occupation powers put a lock on the entryway prompting the request corridor, which ignited a populathat prompted its returning. The request corridor, and since the request lobby was resumed, the occupation police have designated the watchmen, the admirers, and all drives pointed toward revamping the request corridor and setting it up to get the admirers.
Mosque exterior and gallery
The connection point
Exterior of the Qibli Mosque. It was worked during the Fatimid time and reestablished during the Ayyubid and Mamluk periods.
The veneer of the mosque was underlying 1065 Promotion, on the guidelines of the Fatimid Caliph Al-Mustansir Billah . With a balustrade (haw) comprising of little halls and sections. The veneer was harmed during the Crusader time during their standard of Palestine , yet was reestablished and remodeled during the Ayyubid period . Furthermore, the exterior was covered with tiles. The materials utilized in the veneer curves are cut enriching materials taken from the Crusader structures in Jerusalem . There are fourteen stone curves along the exterior, the majority of which are in the Romanesque engineering style . The outer curves added during the Mamluk period followed a similar general plan. There is likewise a focal curve at the entry to the mosque exterior.
The overhang
The overhang is situated at the highest point of the exterior. The focal coves of the gallery date back to the Knights Knight period during the Principal Campaign , while the actual overhang was requested to be worked by Al-Muazzam Ibn Al - Adil Abu Bakr Ibn Ayyub, sibling of Saladin, in the year 1217 Promotion .
Al-Aqsa Mosque contains a few wonderful vaults that are among its most conspicuous tourist spots and one of the timeless Islamic works of art, and the most lovely of which likewise gives it a heavenly climate, particularly its gem, the Arch of the Stone , situated in the core of the favored Al-Aqsa Mosque. It is realized that Al-Aqsa Mosque contains fifteen arches , which are:
Arch of the Stone
Vault of the Stone 3D
The Vault of the Stone is the octagonal structure with the brilliant vault, and its area corresponding to the Al-Aqsa Mosque all in all resembles the area of the heart in the human body, implying that it is situated in it marginally to one side. This vault is viewed as the vault of the mosque all in all, and it is one of the most seasoned and most noteworthy particular Islamic milestones. Its development traces all the way back to the Umayyad time in the year 72 AH (692 Promotion), and it was named after the stone situated inside the structure from which the Prophet Muhammad rose to paradise The evening of Isra and Mi'raj, as per the most probable platitudes, on the grounds that the stone is the most elevated spot in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Vault of the Stone is at present the ladies' request corridor in the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The stone isn't suspended as the vast majority accept, yet there is a little cavern under it.
Chain vault.
Chain Arch
The Vault of the Chain and behind it the Arch of the Stone.
The Vault of the Chain is situated inside the favored Al-Aqsa Mosque, east of the Arch of the Stone, and was based on the sets of the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik ibn Marwan in 72 AH (692 Promotion). Ibn Abd Rabbih, writer of the book Al-Iqd al-Farid , demonstrates that the justification for naming it the Vault of the Chain is that there was a chain in it that defendants would contact, and that this chain is the partner of each and every companion in discourse and that it avoids each liar. These accounts connect this chain to the one that the Prophet David used to use to determine debates between adversaries in the court, and this is without a doubt unsatisfactory gibberish. It is realized that this arch was disregarded during the Campaigns and was revamped a few times since Saladin Ayyubi recovered Jerusalem. The Zionist occupation specialists halted the rebuilding work that was in progress in 1970 Promotion, and afterward it was finished in the nineties of the last 100 years.
The Vault of the Chain is as a hexagon upheld by a hexagonal polygon made inside out of six sections, which thusly support the curves on which the vault segment rests, and outside it are eleven segments supporting comparative curves. Two of these segments were subsequently closed off to make the mihrab situated inside it. As needs be, this arch has seventeen sections. This vault was covered with Turkish Qashani tiles when it was reestablished during the reign of King Suleiman the Glorious in the sixteenth century Promotion.
Punctuation arch.
Punctuation arch
The Vault of the Stone is situated at the southwestern finish of the Arch of the Stone Square , and its development traces all the way back to the Ayyubid time in 1207 by Ruler Hussam al-Noise Abu Ma'd Qambaz during the rule of Lord Sharaf al-Clamor Abu al-Mansur Issa al-Ayyubi , to be a particular school for showing semantic sciences like morphology and linguistic structure inside the favored Al-Aqsa Mosque, so it was known as the Vault of the Language, and furthermore the Punctuation School.
The vault comprises of three associated rooms, with the biggest arch transcending the western room, while another lower vault transcends the eastern room, and it has a primary entry situated on its northern veneer. The vault was changed over into a library during the English occupation , and is involved today as the base camp of the Sharia Court of Allure (which is essential for the Sharia Court in Jerusalem , which thusly is partnered with Jordan ), and its precise name currently is: the workplace of the acting Boss Equity, and underneath it is the court document. This utilization safeguarded it from the risks of the occupation, as it plainly ignores the Buraq Wall from inside the favored Al-Aqsa Mosque, and furthermore disregards the Mughrabi Door and the Silsilah Entryway . Hence, it is viewed as a problem area when Zionist assaults happen on the favored Al-Aqsa Mosque, as occurred in the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000 Promotion , when the Zionists raged Al-Aqsa from the Chain Entryway , and assumed command over the Vault of the Stone, and afterward assumed command over the southwestern side of the favored Al-Aqsa Mosque, and killed a saint at the Moroccan Door , and 5 admirers were martyred by the occupation's shots on that day, notwithstanding many wounds.